Tasmania Trip
Tasmania Trip
3 April 2023
We returned back to Tasmania after 5 years on 27 March-3 April 2023 to discover what has changed since the COVID lockdown.

Qtopia's recreation of Ward 17
Qtopia's recreation of Ward 17
24 February 2023
The wards for AIDS sufferers at St. Vincent's Hospital in the 1980s

Braving Time
Eulogy for the Dyke Bar
World Pride exhibitions at Carriageworks
World Pride exhibitions at Carriageworks
23 February 2023
Word Made Flesh and the Amsterdam Rainbow Dress

Lunch, then exploring World Pride

Coal Loader Artisan Markets
Coal Loader Artisan Markets
4 December 2022
This sustainable and unique market is held four times a year
Cowra/Floriade Trip Day 3