Lunch at F&L Gourmet
Established Chinese eatery at Macquarie Centre
Tuesday 14 March 2023 at 2:00:00 pm AEDT 1 min readPlease click on any photo to view in a lightbox. Use arrow keys or swipe to navigate.

F & L Gourmet is a hallowed institution of Chinese dining at Macquarie Centre for almost as long as I have been in Sydney. I remember visiting them in the 1990s when I was working nearby. They used to be a cheap and cheerful place, but in their new(ish) location the decor is considerably improved. I wouldn’t at all be surprised if some of the staff were working in the 1990s because they seemed to recognise me when I walked in and treated me like the long standing customer that I am. Having lunch here with Cat Bowrey and Margaret Stow - the best dish of the day was actually the black truffle fried rice but I forgot to take a photo so you’ll just have to imagine how good it looks.