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Chinese New Year Masak masak

Cooking a variety of Chinese New Year related dishes at Ee Vonne's house

Tuesday 7 February 2023 at 2:00:00 pm AEDT 1 min read

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Loh hei yee sang Loh hei yee sang
Loh hei yee sang
Loh hei yee sang (1) Loh hei yee sang (1)
Loh hei yee sang (1)

Chinese New Year masak masak at Ee-Vonne Loke’s house, featuring loh hon chai, radish cakes, octopus ball/pineapple/cucumber salad, lapcheong and chicken/mushroom po chai fan, orh ni, mango pudding and pandan chiffon cake. So amazing to witness the culinary talent amongst the ladies.

A big feature of the day was the Loh hei yee sang toss - this is a fun, and important ritual that is performed by South East Asian Chinese during New Year. Each ingredient has a specific meaning. This is an amazing dish prepared by Sharon Wong.

My nails
School outfit