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Temasek Club Singapore National Day Dinner

Celebrating Singapore's National Day at Zilver restaurant

Chris Tham Chris Tham Saturday, 13 August 2022 at 9:00:00 pm AEST 1 min read

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Table 20 Table 20
Table 20

I wore my kebaya to the dinner, along with the other ladies at our table. The gentlemen wore batik shirts.

Sydney Temasek Club’s Singapore National Day Dinner 2022 was a lovely event celebrating 57 years of Singapore as a country. Sumptuous dinner at Zilver Restaurant(Haymarket)and a chance to catch up with new and established friends. We managed to convince at least three men from our table to enter the national dress competition but none of the ladies were keen! We gave a bottle of red wine to the table next to us, and they turn out to be the winner of the trivia game, so they gave us two bottles of non alcoholic grape juice, which turned out to be delicious, so it was a fair swap.

See more photos on the Facebook post:

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