Margaret's birthday
Celebrating with a Sri Lankan dinner at Kandy by Sri Lankan Bites
Tuesday 14 February 2023 at 4:00:00 pm AEDT 1 min readPlease click on any photo to view in a lightbox. Use arrow keys or swipe to navigate.

Fantastic birthday celebration with the amazing Margaret Stow - so good to be able to meet all your friends, and the dinner was delicious Sri Lankan food at Kandy by Sri Lankan Bites. Seriously there was so much food by the time the briyani came I honestly could not ingest another mouthful. Everyone fought over the chicken wings and I personally loved the Ceylon rice set with the 4 different vegetable curries and the mix of condiments and pickles. We had a fun passing the parcel game and trying to answer questions relating to Margaret and I learnt a lot in the process!