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Three interlocking dreams

From university to retirement

Thursday 1 December 2022 at 11:00:00 am AEDT 2 min read

A set of three interlocking dreams.

Dream #1

I am studying at university. I am poor and cannot afford college, so I am secretly living in the student union building and taking showers at the sports centre. I have a backpack with all my clothes and I keep it in a locker.

Dream #2

I am working at my former job: Head of Strategy at MLC when MLC was part of Lend Lease. I am having lunch with a partner of a consulting firm. He is trying to encourage me to engage some of his consultants for my strategy projects. He thinks I already know them, and he keeps emphasising they have been involved recently on various Lend Lease strategy work. I keep reminding him even though MLC is owned by Lend Lease I don’t get involved in Lend Lease strategy activities. It’s a pity - the consultants seem like nice people and I would love to work with them, but not sure I can afford them.

Dream #3

I am retired. I am living in an interesting house right on the edge of Sydney Harbour. The ground floor has beautiful French doors that open out into an expansive garden. The lower level is at sea level and is completely transparent and glass enclosed. It is situated right on a secluded part of the waterfront and during high tide it is partially submerged in sea water. I open up a trunk to discover a teddy bear (complete with university cap and gown) that I used to carry with me at university. For some reason, I have invited the aforementioned consultants to my house, so obviously we have become friends over the years. They are telling me about this strategy work they are doing for a European bank, and for a moment I felt envious and wish I could join them, then I realised I am too old and too out of touch. A thunderstorm is developing, and it is starting to rain. I advised my friends to leave before it gets worse. Suddenly lightning struck and we lost power for a few seconds. All the doors in the house started self locking whilst the house rebooted.

Lunch at New Shanghai