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Nepean Dam

Majestic spillway after rain

Tuesday 29 March 2022 at 4:00:00 pm AEDT 1 min read

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Nepean Dam Nepean Dam
Nepean Dam
Nepean Dam (1) Nepean Dam (1)
Nepean Dam (1)
Nepean Dam (2) Nepean Dam (2)
Nepean Dam (2)
Nepean Dam (3) Nepean Dam (3)
Nepean Dam (3)

Some would say we were stupid or crazy. Indeed, we were questioning our own sanity as we drove out in torrential rain to visit the dams of Greater Sydney under flood warning conditions. We ended up visiting 4 out of 5 dams in the Nepean Scheme (Avon Dam was closed to the public for safety reasons). This is Nepean Dam, and indeed it was spilling gloriously. We met some Sydney Water workers checking for water quality there. They said the dam was over full by 0.2m but last week it was 3m! Tried to capture the spill waterfall but it was very elusive. We ventured into the bush off a service road based on a tip from one of the workers.

Cordeaux Dam
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