Rogue and rogomatic working!
Nerd achiement for 2023
Monday 2 January 2023 at 11:00:00 am AEDT 2 min readPlease click on any photo to view in a lightbox. Use arrow keys or swipe to navigate.

Nerd achievement for 2023 - finally managed to get Rogomatic working. I used to play the Unix computer game rogue when I was in uni in the 1980s, but was never good at it - I always get killed before Level 20. I am now too old to ever master it, so Rogomatic plays my games for me.
Top 10 rogue scores after playing more than 2000 games using rogomatic - still haven’t retrieved the Amulet of Yendor:
Top Ten Scores: Score Name 1 5856 Rog-O-Matic XIV for christie: killed on level 20 by a phantom. 2 4898 Rog-O-Matic XIV for christie: killed on level 21 by a jabberwock. 3 4841 Rog-O-Matic XIV for christie: killed on level 20 by a medusa. 4 4490 Rog-O-Matic XIV for christie: killed on level 18 by starvation. 5 4444 Rog-O-Matic XIV for christie: killed on level 17 by a xeroc. 6 4319 Rog-O-Matic XIV for christie: killed on level 17 by a troll. 7 4197 Rog-O-Matic XIV for christie: killed on level 16 by a troll. 8 4010 Rog-O-Matic XIV for christie: killed on level 18 by a medusa. 9 3907 Rog-O-Matic XIV for christie: killed on level 17 by a black unicorn. 10 3830 Rog-O-Matic XIV for christie: killed on level 21 by a griffin.
Reference: Rogue and Rog-O-Matic
Create a Docker container
Run a Debian based Docker container.
docker pull debian:busterdocker run -it --name rogue debian:buster
Prepare for building
Do this inside a terminal session in the Docker container.
apt updateapt install build-essential wget curl sudo gcc-multilib lib32ncurses5-dev vimadduser christieadduser christie sudoadduser christie gamessu - christie
Build and install rogue
wget https://www.anthive.com/rog/rogue5.4.4-ant-r1.1.4-src.tar.gztar xvzf rogue5.4.4-ant-r1.1.4-src.tar.gzcd rogue5.4.4-ant-r1.1.4./configure CFLAGS=-m32makesudo make install
Build and install rogomatic
cd ..wget https://www.anthive.com/rog/rogomatic-r2.0.3.tar.gztar xvzf rogomatic-r2.0.3.tar.gzcd rogomatic-r2.0.3./configure CFLAGS=-m32makesudo make installdirssudo make install