Two dreams
Saturday 8 October 2022 at 11:00:00 am AEDT 2 min readDream no 1
They are test launching missiles from various countries from the top of an office building. By coincidence, the building where I work is right across the road, so we will get a good view. So everyone turned up for “work” on a Saturday to enjoy the fireworks. I was in my office, and someone noticed I have a stack of Yellow Pages on a bookshelf dating back to the last 20 years, and suggested I recycle them. I said I liked them, they remind me of a different lifestyle. I decided to go downstairs to grab some lunch with a colleague before the show started. I noticed the elevators look a bit tired and need renovation - they don’t go well with the rest of the building which is all gleaming chrome and glass. Downstairs, my colleague ordered some Thai - it was huge meatballs and rice. Intrigued, I decided to order the same dish.
Dream no 2
For some reason, I decided it would be nice to sleep outdoors in a park in the city. I had dinner, showered, got ready and brought a sleeping bag. I was going to find a bench somewhere and sleep there. It then occurred to me this may not be a safe thing to do, since I am carrying a Macbook and an expensive camera with lots of lenses.