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Girl and a river

Wednesday 25 May 2022 at 10:00:00 am AEST 1 min read

Today’s dream: it’s a story about a girl and a river. We don’t actually see the girl’s face, only her back, so we don’t know who she is. She can be anyone.

It starts with the birth of a child, next to a mountain spring, surrounded by flowers and birds. Next we see a child walking alongside a babbling brook, next to shady trees. She keeps moving away from us into the distance.

A princess in a castle surrounded by a moat. The moat is connected to a river (which is joined to the spring and the brook above - it is the same water). She walks along the moat in a pretty flowing gown, again away from us.

A old woman walking down to the sea in a set of steps alongside a river, by now shallow and wide, flowing down the same set of steps like mini fountains. It is evening and sunset.

We no longer see the person, she has passed away. We see the gentle sea in the full moon, stretching across to infinity.

35th year Graduation Reunion
Chang Gotong Royong