H: `taddhita` (affixes)

taddhita affixes and their meanings

This appendix contains a subset of the examples provided in Kaccāyana - consult the book for a full set of examples.

tassā’pacca (“the son or descendant of someone”)

{344}vasiṭṭhassa apaccaṁ vāvasiṭṭhaṇavasiṭṭha + a + si [o/ī/aṁ]vāsiṭṭho(🚹) vāsiṭṭhī(🚺) vāsiṭṭhaṁ(🚻)Vasiṭṭha’s son/daughter/clan
{345}vacchassa apaccaṁ vāvacchaṇāyanavasiṭṭha + āyana + si [o/ī/aṁ]vacchāyano(🚹) vacchāyanī(🚺) vacchāyanaṁ(🚻)Vaccha’s son/daughter/clan
{345}vacchassa apaccaṁ vāvacchaṇānavasiṭṭha + āna + si [o/ī/aṁ]vacchāno(🚹) vacchānī(🚺) vacchānaṁ(🚻)Vaccha’s son/daughter/clan
{346}kattikāya apaccaṁ vākattikāṇeyyakattikā + eyya + si (o)kattikeyyo(a woman) Kattikā’s son or descendant
{347}dakkhassa apaccaṁ vādakkhaṇidakkha + i + si (o)dakkhiDakkha’s son or descendant
{347}sakyaputtassa apaccaṁsakyaputtaṇikasakyaputtaa + ika + si (o)sakyaputtikoSakyaputta’s son or descendant
{348}upakussa apaccaṁ vāupakuṇavau(o)pakua + ava + si (o)opakavoUpaku’s son or descendant
{349}vidhavāya apaccaṁ vāvidhavāṇeravi(e)dhavā + era + si (o)vedhaverowidow’s son or descendant

ane’ka’ttha (various meanings)

{350}saṁsaṭṭha “being mixed in as an ingredient”tilena saṁsaṭṭhaṁ bhojanaṁtilaṇikati(e)la + ika + si (ṁ)telikaṁfood mixed with sesame
{350}tarati “mode of crossing a river etc.”nāvāya taratī’tināvāṇikanāvā + ika + si (o)nāvikotraveler by boat
{350}carati “mode of travel or practice”sakaṭena caratī’tināvāṇikasakaṭa + ika + si (o)sākaṭikobullock-cart-traveler
{350}vahati “mode of carriage”sīsena vahatī’tisīsaṇikasīsa + ika + si (o)sīsikoone who carries (something) on head
{350}vasatī “residency”rājagahe vasatī’tirājagahaṇikarājagaha + ika + si (o)rājagahikoresident/native of Rājagaha city
{351}adhīte “learning or subject of study”rvinaya’madhītevinayaṇikavi(e)naya + ika + si (o)venayiko (i>e vuddhi)Vinaya-learner. i.e. the student of Vinaya texts
{351}tena kataṁ “modes of action”kāyena kataṁ kammaṁkāyaṇikakāya + ika + si (ṁ)kāyikaṁbodily action
{351}sannidhāna “originated in”sarīre sannidhānā vedanāsarīraṇikasarīra + ika + si (ā)sārīrikāthe bodily feeling. i.e. bodily pain etc.
{351}niyutta “being involved in or related to”dvāre niyuttodvāraṇikad(o)vāra + ika + si (o)dovārikothe door-keeper, guard
{351}sippa “profession or knowledge”vīṇā assa sippaṁvīṇāṇikavī(e)ṇā + ika + si (o)veṇiko (i>e vuddhi)the harp-professional, the harpist
{351}bhaṇḍaṁ “merchandise”gandho assa bhaṇḍaṁgandhaṇikagandha + ika + si (o)gandhikothe perfume-trader, perfumer
{351}jīvika “livelihood”urabbhaṁ hantvā jīvatī’tiurabbhaṇikau(o)rabbha + ika + si (o)orabbhiko (u>o vuddhi)sheep-butcher
{351}hata “mode of killing for a living”jālena hatojālaṇikajāla + ika + si (o)jālikofisherman
{351}āvudha “weapon”cāpo assa āvudhocāpaṇikacāpa + ika + si (o)cāpikoarcher
{351}ābādha “disease or pain”vāto assa ābādhovātaṇikavāta + ika + si (o)vātikogas-pain sufferer
{351}pasanna “being pleased with or being devoted to”buddhe pasannobuddhaṇikabuddha + ika + si (o)buddhikothe one who is pleased in Buddha. i.e. a devotee of Buddha
{351}santakaṁ “possession, being owned by”buddhassa santakaṁbuddhaṇikabuddha + ika + si (ṁ)buddhikaṁBuddha’s possession such as funds meant for shrine-renovation etc.
{351}kītaṁ “mode of purchase, being bartered with”vatthena kītaṁ bhaṇḍaṁvatthaṇikavattha + ika + si (ṁ)vatthikaṁthe thing bought by means of bartering with cloth
{351}parimāṇa “measurement”kumbho assa parimāṇaṁkumbhaṇikakumbha + ika + si (ṁ)kumbhikaṁa thing of one Kumbha measure of grain
{351}rāsi “heap”kumbhassa rāsikumbhaṇikakumbha + ika + si (ṁ)kumbhikaṁone-kumbha-measured heap of grains
{351}arahati “deserve”kumbhaṁ arahatī’tikumbhaṇikakumbha + ika + si (o)kumbhikosomeone deserving one-Kumbha of grains
{351}dibbati “to play a game of luck”akkhena dibbatī’tiakkhaṇikaakkha + ika + si (o)akkhikodice-player, gambler
{352}rāga “dye”kasāvena rattaṁ vatthaṁkasāvaṇakasāva + a + si (ṁ)kāsāvaṁyellow-colored robe
{352}idaṁ “(this) belongs to”sūkarassa idaṁ maṁsaṁsūkaraṇasū(o)kara + a + si (ṁ)sokaraṁpig’s meat, i.e. pork
{352}avidūra “not far off, in proximity”udumbarassa avidūre pavattaṁ vimānaṁudumbaraṇaudumbara + a + si (ṁ)odumbaraṁthe mansion near fig tree
{352}jāta “native”mathurāya jātomathurāṇamathurā + ṇa + si (o)māthurothe native of Mathurā
{352}āgata “comer”mathurāya āgatomathurāṇamathurā + ṇa + si (o)māthurothe person coming from the city of Mathurā
{352}niyutta “being related to or with”mattikāya niyutto māsokattikāṇakattikā + ṇa + si (o)kattikothe month when the star named “Kattikā (Kṛittika)” is prominent
{352}samūha “collective grouping”sikkhānaṁ samūhosikkhāṇasikkhā + ṇa + si (o)sikkhothe collection of the precepts
{352}devatā “being devoted like a deity”buddho assa devatābuddhaṇabuddha + ṇa + si (o)buddhothe one who devotes Buddha like a deity
{352}“being related for a certain period such as a year etc.”saṁvacchara’madhītesaṁvaccharaṇasaṁvacchara + ṇa + si (o)saṁvaccharoannual learner, yearly student
{352}“being related to a skill of knowledge”vyākaraṇa’madhītevyākaraṇaṇavyākaraṇa + ṇa + si (o)veyyākaraṇothe one who studies grammar, the grammar-student
{352}visaya “domain or a specifically reserved place etc.”vasādānaṁ visayo desovasādaṇava(ā)sāda + ṇa + si (o)vāsādothe lion’s den
{352}different meaning from abovesāgarehi nibbattosāgaraṇasāgara + ṇa + si (o)sāgarothe place made by Sāgara, i.e. ocean
{352}“being resident and chief”sāgala’massa nivāsosāgalaṇasāgala + ṇa + si (o)sāgalothe resident of Sāgala
{353}“when and where it happens”pacchā jātopacchāimapacchā + ima + si (o)pacchimothat which happens later, the latter, the last
{353}“in which species one is born into etc.”bodhisattajātiyā jātobodhisattajātiiyabodhisattajāti + iya + si (o)bodhisattajātiyohe one who was born as a Bodhisatta
{353}“pertaining to”ante niyuttoantaimaanta + ima + si (o)antimothat which is related to the end, i.e. the end, the final
{353}“having something as an inherent quality etc”putto assa atthi, tasmiṁ vā vijjatī’tiputtaimaputta + ima + si (o)puttimois so called, the one who has son (child)
{353}“pertaining to”jātiyaṁ niyuttojātikiyajāti + kiya + si (o)jātikiyobirth-related, inborn, innate

samūha (collective grouping/assembly)

{354}rājaputtānaṁ samūhorājaputtaṇarājaputta + ṇa + si (o)rājaputtothe collective group of princes
{354}rājaputtānaṁ samūhorājaputtakaṇrājaputta + kaṇ + si (o)rājaputtakothe collective group of princes
{355}gāmānaṁ samūhogāma, jana, bandhu, sahāyagāma + tā + si (ā)gāmatāthe collective group of villages

ta’dassaṭhāna (the source or the cause)

an instigating source or a cause for passion, arrest, release, joy, etc.

{356}madanassa ṭhānaṁmadanaiyamadana + iya + si (ṁ)madaniyaṁthe source of infatuation or inebriation, something alluring or extremely tempting or attractive thus causing lust or madness etc.
{356}bandhanassa ṭhānaṁbandanaiyabandana + iya + si (ṁ)bandhaniyaṁthe cause of imprisonment

upamā (analogous similitude)

a simile or a metaphoric likeness

{357}dhūmo viya dissati aduṁ vanaṁ ta’didaṁdhūmaāyitattadhūma + āyitatta + si (ṁ)dhūmāyitattaṁthe smoky forest (whose color is like green-greyish when seen from a distant)
{357}timiraṁ viya dissati aduṁ vanaṁ ta’didaṁṁtimiraāyitattatimira + āyitatta + si (ṁ)timirāyitattaṁthe darkish-looking forest

tannissita (“dependent nature and source”)

“on which something depends or being as- sociated to or being the source of”

{358}duṭṭhu nissitaṁduṭṭhuladuṭṭhua + (l)la + si (ṁ)duṭṭhullaṁrelated to bad nature, indecent, obscene

tabbahula (the prominent nature)

“a state of being a common prominent nature”

{359}abhijjhā assa pakatiabhijjhāāluabhijjhā + ālu + siabhijjhāluthe one whose nature is covetousness

bhāva (the abstract condition)

condition or state or a qualitative character of someone or something (a state of being so and so, a sit- uation, or a qualitative character of someone or something)

{360}alasassa bhāvoalasaṇyaalasa + ya + si (ṁ)ālasyaṁthe state of being lazy, the laziness
{360}paṁsukūlikassa bhāvopaṁsukūlikattapaṁsukūlika + tta + si (ṁ)paṁsukūlikattaṁpractitioner-hood of Paṁsukūlika austerity-practice
{360}saṅgaṇikā’rāmassa bhāvosaṅgaṇikārāmasaṅgaṇikārāma + tā + sisaṅgaṇikā’rāmatāgregariousness, being fond of socializing
{360}puthujjanassa bhāvoputhujjanattanaputhujjana + ttana + si (ṁ)puthujjanattanaṁstate of being unenlightened, a common worldling who is still a victim of defilements
{361}visamassa bhāvovisamaṇavisama + ṇa + si (ṁ)vesamaṁstate of being uneven, ruggedness, uneven-ness, non-level place of the earth
{362}ramaṇīyassa bhāvoramaṇīyakaṇramaṇīya + ka + si (ṁ)rāmaṇīyakaṁpleasantness

visesa (superlative-comparison)

a comparative comparison for the superlative

{363}1. positivesabbe ime pāpā, aya’mimesaṁ visesena pāpo’tipāpatarapāpa + tara + si (o)pāpatarospecially bad among the bad. i.e. especially bad of the bad
{363}1. superlativesabbe ime pāpā, aya’mimesaṁ visesena pāpo’tipāpatamapāpa + tama + si (o)pāpatamothe most bad, the worst
{363}2. positivesabbe ime pāpā, aya’mimesaṁ visesena pāpo’tipāpaisikapāpa + isika + si (o)pāpisikospecially bad
{363}2. comparativesabbe ime pāpā, aya’mimesaṁ visesena pāpo’tipāpaiyapāpa + iya + si (o)pāpiyomore bad
{363}2. superlativesabbe ime pāpā, aya’mimesaṁ visesena pāpo’tipāpaiṭṭhapāpa + iṭṭha + si (o)pāpiṭṭhomore bad

ta’dassa’tthi (possessed quality or inherent nature)

a quality being possessed by someone (or something)

{364}medhā yassa atthi, tasmiṁ vā vijjatī’timedhāmedhā + vī + simedhāvīthe one who has intellect or wisdom, the wise
{364}sumedhā yassa atthi, tasmiṁ vā vijjatī’tisumedhāsosumedhā(a) + so + sisumedhasothe one who has good intellect
{365}tapo yassa atthi tasmiṁ vā vijjatī’titapassītapa + ssī + sitapassīthe one having austerity practices, an ascetic, a hermit
{366}daṇḍo yassa atthi, tasmiṁ vā vijjatī’tidaṇḍaikadaṇḍa + ika + si (o)daṇḍikothe one having stick
{366}daṇḍo yassa atthi, tasmiṁ vā vijjatī’tidaṇḍaīdaṇḍa + ī + sidaṇḍīthe one having stick
{367}madhu yassa atthi, tasmiṁ vā vijjatī’timadhuramadhu + ra + si (o)madhurosomething having sweet taste, sweet
{368}guṇo yassa atthi, tasmiṁ vā vijjatī’tiguṇavantuguṇa + vantu + si (ā)guṇavāvirtuous or a dignitary
{369}sati yassa atthi, tasmiṁ vā vijjatī’tisatimantusati + mantu + si (ā)satimāthe one having mindfulness, mindful
{370}saddhā yassa atthi, tasmiṁ vā vijjatī’tisaddhāṇasaddhā + ṇa + si (o)saddhothe one having faith, the faithful
{371}āyu assa atthi, tasmiṁ vā vijjatī’tiāyumantuāyu(as) + mantu + si (ā)āyasmāthe one having life

ta’ppakati (made up of something)

by means of which something is made up of, or crafted with

{372}suvaṇṇena pakataṁ kammaṁsuvaṇṇamayasuvaṇṇa + maya + si (ṁ)sovaṇṇamayaṁmade of gold

abyaya (Nouns in indeclinable affixes)

{397}distributive adjective or adverbekena vibhāgenaekadhāeka + dhā + siekadhāby one portion, in one kind
{398}manner and mode (after sabbanāma)tena pakārotathāta + thā + sitathāby that manner
{398}manner and mode (after sabbanāma)so pakārotathattāta + thattā + sitathattāby that manner
{399}manner and mode (after kiṃ)ko pakārokathaṁka + thaṁ + sikathaṁwhat manner
{399}manner and mode (after ima)ayaṁ pakāroimathaṁima(t) + thaṁ + siitthaṁthis manner
Last modified October 25, 2023: Completed kibbidhāna appendix (ac01c64)