J: `kibbidhāna` (`kita` affixes)

kita affixes and their meanings

kita affixed nouns {546} usually have a sense of a “doer” (someone who does something). This appendix contains a subset of the examples provided in Kaccāyana - consult the book for a full set of examples.

Kita’ntogadha dutiyā Tappurisa

saddūpapada ② (nearby noun eg. kamma-work, kumbha-pot, mālā-flower) + dhātu (eg. kara, gaha) + affix (eg. ṇa)

{524}kammaṁ karotī’tikammakaraṇakamma + kara + ṇa (o)kammakārothe one who does work ie. “worker”, “laborer”
{525}ariṁ dametī’tiaridamuaari(n) + damu + a (o)arindamothe one who subdues enemies (eg. rājā)
{525}taṇhaṁ karotī’titaṇhākaraataṇhā(an) + kara + a (o)taṇhaṅkarothe one who overcomes cravings (eg. bhagavā)
{526}pure dānaṁ adāsī’tipuradadaapura(in) + dada + a (o)purindadothe one who gave alms in the previous past lives (eg. devarājā)
{527}taṁ karotī’titakaraata(k) + kara + a (o)takkarothe one who does that deed
{527}rathaṁ karotī’tirathakaraṇvuratha + ka(ā)ra(k) + ṇvu (o)rathakārakothe one who makes chariot, the chariot-maker
{527}taṁ karotī’titakaratuta(k) + kara(t) + tu (ā)takkattāthe one who does that deed
{527}bhayaṁ passatī’tibhayadisaāvībhaya + disa(ass) + āvībhayadassāvīthe one who sees danger


{528}pavisatī’tivisaṇapa + vi(e)sa + ṇa (o)pavesothe one who enters
{528}rujatī’tirujaṇaruja(og) + + ṇa (o)rogothat which afflicts, pain or disease
{528}uppajjatī’tipadaṇau + (p)pa(ā)da + + ṇa (o)uppādothat which arises, the process of arising
{529}paccate, pacanaṁ vāpacaṇapaca(k) + + ṇa (o)pākoact of cooking (bhāva)
{530}sambhavatī’tibhūkvisaṁ + bhū + kvisambhūthe one which happens or arises well
{531}dharati tenā’tidhararammadhara + ramma (o)dhammothe wholesome righteous Dhamma by which good-result are carried
{538}samaggaṁ kammaṁ sa’mupagacchatī’tihanarasaṁ + hanagh + ra (o)saṁghothe community of brethren who congregates to (conduct) the sacred activities unitedly

tassīlā (habitual pattern)

  • a habit, habitual pattern, a consistent character (tassīlā)
  • an ingrained nature (taddhamma)
  • a dedicated habit of doing things well (tassādhukārī)
{532}piyaṁ pasaṁsituṁ sīlaṁ yassa rañño, so hoti rājāpiyasaṁsaṇīpiya + pa + saṁsa + īpiyapasaṁsīthe king who used to praise the loved ones
{532}pasayha pavattituṁ sīlaṁ yassa rañño, so hoti rājāpasayhavatutupasayha + pa + vatu + tu (ā)pasayhapavattāthe king who used to behave overbearingly
{532}bhayaṁ passituṁ sīlaṁ yassa samaṇassa so hoti samaṇobhayadisaāvībhaya + di(as)sa + āvībhayadassāvīthe monk who used to see dangers (of unwholesome actions)
{534}bhavapāraṁ gantuṁ sīlaṁ yassa purisassa, so hoti purisopāragamubhavapāra + gamu + rūbhavapāragūthe man whose habit is to go the other shore of life, i.e. an enlightened Arahanta monk
{533}ghosanasīlosadda, kudha, cala, maṇḍa, ruca, ghusayughu(o)sa + yu (no)ghosanothe one whose habit is to be vocal, the vocal one, noisy talker
{533}bhikkhanasīlo yācanasīlobhikkhabhikkha + (u)bhikkhuthe one used to begging
{533}āhananasīlohanaṇukaā + (gh)hana(ā) + (t)uka (o)āghātukothe executioner, killer

kicca affixes {545}

These affixes are associated with passive-voice (kamma) verbal nouns or middle-voice (bhāva) verbs. Some Pali grammar books refer to them as “future passive particles” but this only describes the kamma sense of these words.

{540}bhavitabbaṁbhūanīyabhū(av) + anīya (ṁ)bhavanīyaṁ(It) should be (Kamma sense), or the state of being (Bhāva sense)
{541}kattabbaṁkaraṇyakara(i) + ya (ṁ)kāriyaṁ(It) should be done (kamma) or act of doing, an act (bhāva)
{541}ñātabbaṁñāteyyañā + teyya (ṁ)ñāteyyaṁit should be known (kamma) or act of knowing (bhāva)
{542}kattabbaṁkarariccakara + ricca (ṁ)kiccaṁsomething that should be done, i.e. a matter or a case or a duty to do
{543}bhavitabbobhūṇyabhū + ṇya(abba) (o)bhabbolikely to happen, likely to occur

yu affix (sādhana)

{547}bhāvanandīyatenandayunanda + yu(na) (ṁ)nandanaṁact of liking, the pleasure
{547}kammananditabbaṁnandayunanda + yu(na) (ṁ)nandanaṁsomething which should be pleased with, being pleasant or such a thing
{548}katturajaṁ haratī’tiharayuraja(o) + hara + yu(na) (ṁ)rajoharaṇaṁthe dust-remover
{548}karaṇakaroti tenā’tikarayukara + yu(na) (ṁ)karaṇaṁa supporting cause, a means or an instrument by which actions are accomplished
{548}padesatiṭṭhanti tasmin’tiṭhāyuṭhā + yu(na) (ṁ)ṭhānaṁpoint or location on which things stand or exist

sañña + i

{551}kammapaṭhamaṁ ādīyatī’tiiā + dā + iādisomething taken initially, a beginning, an inception, a starting point
{551}udakaṁ dadhātī’tidhāiudaka + dhā + iudadhithat which carries water, an ocean
{551}kattumaho’dakāni dadhātī’tidhāimahodaka + dhā + imahodadhithat which carries great (amount of) water, an ocean
{551}adhikaraṇavālāni dadhāti tasmin’tidhāivāla + dhā + ivāladhithat which carries great (amount of) water, an ocean
{551}kammasammā dhīyatī’tidhāisa(n) + dhā + isandhiact of combining well

sañña (well wishes)

{552}jino enaṁ bujjhatū’tibudhatijina + bud(d)ha + tijinabuddhimay the Buddha know him
{552}dhanaṁ assa bhavatū’tibhūtidhana + bhū + tidhanabhūtimay he be prosperous or wealthy
{552}bhavatū’tibhūtabhū + ta (o)bhūtomay be, i.e. grow
{552}bhavatū’tibhūṇabhū(a) + ṇa(v) (o)bhāvobhāvo
{552}dhammo enaṁ dadātū’titadhamma + dā(i) + ta(nn) (o)dhammadinnomay the Dhamma give him (happiness)
{552}vaḍḍhatū’tivaḍḍhamānavaḍḍha + māna (o)vaḍḍhamānoprosperous


{553}jīratī’tijaraajara + a (ā)jarāthat which degenerates, decaying, the old-age
{553}maññatī’timanatimana + timatithat which thinks, thought, view, opinion
{553}cetayatī’ticitiyuci(e)ti~~(a) + yun (ā)cetanāthat which motivates, motive, volition, intent
{553}vedayatī’tividayuvi(e)da + yun (ā)vedanāthat which feels, feeling

kara + ririya

{554}kattabbākaraririyakara + ririya (ā)kiriyā(🚺)an action
{554}karaṇīyaṁkaraririyakara + ririya (ṁ)kiriyaṁ(🚻)an action

Atīta (past)

past perfect verbs and verbal nouns (also referred to as past participles)

{555}hutahu + ta (o)hutogiven, sacrificed
{555}hutavantuhu + tavantu (ā)hutavāgiven, sacrificed
{555}hutāvīhu + tāvīhutāvīgiven, sacrificed

ta affix (voice)

{556}bhāvatassagetage(ī) + ta + (ṁ)gītaṁsinging, i.e. The singing act of that person
{556}kammatenabhāsatabhāsa(i) + ta + (ṁ)bhāsitaṁis said, i.e. said by that person
{557}kattāsabbe saṅkhatā’saṅkhate dhamme bujjhati, abujjhi, bujjhissatī’tibudhatabud(d)ha + ta + (o)buddhothe one who knows, who knew and who will know all conditioned and uncondi- tioned phenomena, the Buddha

ina affix

{558}kattāpāpake akusale dhamme jināti, ajini, jinissatī’tijiinaji + ina (o)jinothe one who subjugates, subjugated and will subjugate the evil, bad, unwholesome mental states, Buddha, the victor of evil
{559}kattāsupatī’tisupainasupa + ina (ṁ)supinaṁdream, (seen while sleeping)
{559}bhāvasupīyatesupainasupa + ina (ṁ)supinaṁsleep

īsaṁ, du, su + kha

{560}siaīsa(s) + si + a (yo)īsassayolittle-sleeping, a nap (bhavatā)
{560}siadu(s) + si + a (yo)dussayobadly-sleeping, bad sleep (bhavatā)
{560}siasu(s) + si + a (yo)sussayowell-sleeping sleep (bhavatā)

tuṁ affix

{561}“wish” or “purpose”*puññānikaratavekara + tavekātaveto do, i.e. for the purpose of doing meritorious deeds
{561}“wish” or “purpose”*saddhammaṁsutuṁsu(o) + tuṁsotu’micchatiHe wants to listen to the Dhamma
{562}worthiness and abilitysaddhammaṁnindatuṁninda(i) + tuṁninditum’arahatiWho deserves to blame that person?
{563}“appropriateness” to do somethingala’meva dānānituṁdā + tuṁdātuṁto offer, i.e. It is only appropriate to offer alms (as it can enrich one in many ways)
{563}“appropriateness” to do somethingala’meva puññānikaratuṁkara + tuṁkātuṁto do, i.e. It is fitting or suitable to do meritorious deeds (as it can lead to wholesome results)

*in a sentence having one same Kattā (subject)

tuna, tvāna, tvā (gerund or absolutive)

To express concurrent actions of a single doer, one being a preceding action and the other being next subsequent action.

{564}kātuna kammaṁ gacchatikaratunakara(ā) + tunakātunaHe goes (after) having done work
{564}akātuna puññaṁ kilissantikaratunana + kara(ā) + tunakātuna(He) will suffer for not having done meritorious deeds
{564}sattā sutvāna dhammaṁ modantisutvānasu + tvānasutvānahaving heard Dhamma, the living beings are delighted
{564}jitvāna vasatijitvānaji + tvānajitvānaHaving conquered the enemy (ripuṁ), (he) lives
{564}sutvāna’ssa eta’dahosisutvānasu + tvānasutvānahaving heard Dhamma, this thought arose in him (in his mind)
{564}sutvāna amutra kathayantisutunasu + tvānasutvānahaving heard here, they say there (what they heard)
{564}sutvā jānissāmasutvāsu + tvāsutvāWe must know (how to respond) (only after) having heard (from you)

māna, anta (present participle)

To express an on-going action being done or still taking place at present, (i.e. as yet unfinished action).

{565}saramāno rodatisaramānasara + a + māna (o)saramāno(he) cries while remembering
{565}gacchanto gaṇhātigamuantagamu(cch) + anta (o)gacchanto(he) takes or grabs while going

ritu, ratthu, rātu, tuka, ika

{566}sāsatī’tisāsaratthusa + ratthu (ā)satthāthe one who teaches, the teacher
{566}sāsati hiṁsatī’ti vāsāsaratthusa + ratthu (ā)satthāthe one who hurts the defilements, Buddha who hurts defilements
{567}pāti puttan’tiritupā + ritu (ā)pitāthe one who protects one’s offspring, the father
{568}dhammena puttaṁ mānetī’timānarātuna + tu (ā)mātāthe one who justly adores (her) offspring, the mother
{568}pubbe bhāsatī’tibhāsarātubhāsa + tu (ā)bhātāthe one who speaks (first before other young siblings) i.e. Brother.
{568}mātāpitūhi dhārīyatī’tidhararitudhara + ri(ī)tu (ā)dhītāthe one who speaks (first before other young siblings) i.e. Brother
{569}āgacchatī’tigamutukaā + gamu(n) + tuka (o)āgantukothe one who comes (to visit) (bhikkhu)
{570}gamissati, gantuṁ bhabbo’tigamuikagamu + ika (o)gamikothe one who will go or who is likely (be going on a trip). the would-be-traveler, the tourist (bhikkhu)