Answers to Warder Lesson 18

Answers to A.K. Warder “Introduction to Pali” Lesson 18

Passage 1

DN 23 27.3-27.17 (D II 348,19 - 349,7):

bhūtapubbaṃ dve akkhadhuttā akkhehi dibbiṃsu. eko akkhadhutto āgatāgataṃ kaliṃ gilati. addasā kho dutiyo akkhadhutto taṃ akkhadhuttaṃ āgatāgataṃ kaliṃ gilantaṃ disvā akkhadhuttaṃ etad avoca: tvaṃ kho samma ekantikena jināsi, dehi samma akkhe, pajohissāmi ti. evaṃ sammā ti kho so akkhadhutto tassa akkhadhuttassa akkhe pādāsi. atha kho so akkhadhutto akkhe visena paribhāvetvā taṃ akkhadhuttaṃ etad avoca: ehi kho samma akkhehi dibbissāmā ti. evaṃ sammā ti kho so akkhadhutto tassa akkhadhuttassa paccassosi. dutiyam pi kho te akkhadhuttā akkhehi dibbiṃsu, dutyam pi kho so akkhadhutto āgatāgataṃ kaliṃ gilati. addasā kho dutiyo akkhadhutto taṃ akkhadhuttaṃ dutiyam pi āgatāgataṃ kaliṃ gilantaṃ. disvā taṃ akkhadhuttaṃ etad avoca:

littaṃ paramena tejasā
gilam akkhaṃ puriso na bujjhati
gila re gila pāpadhuttaka
pacchā te kaṭukaṃ bhavissatī ti.

bhūtapubbaṃ dve akkhadhuttā akkhehi dibbiṃsu.
🔼(bhūtapubbaṃ) ⚧①⨂(dvi) 🚹①⨂(akkhadhutta) 🚹③⨂(akkha) ⏮🤟⨂(dibbi)
once upon a time / two / gamblers / with dice / played/gambled
Once upon a time two gamblers played with dice.

eko akkhadhutto āgatāgataṃ kaliṃ gilati.
🚹①⨀(eka) ①⨀(akkhadhutta) 🚹②⨀(āgatāgata) 🚹②⨀(kali) ▶️🤟⨀(gilati)
one / gambler / come whenever / bad luck / swallows
One gambler swallows (the dice) whenever bad luck comes.

addasā kho dutiyo akkhadhutto taṃ akkhadhuttaṃ āgatāgataṃ kaliṃ gilantaṃ
↩️🤟⨀(addasā) 🔼(kho) 🚹①⨀(dutiya) ①⨀(akkhadhutta) 🚹②⨀(ta) 🚹②⨀(akkhadhutta) 🚹②⨀(āgatāgata) 🚹②⨀(kali) 🚹②⨀(gilanta)
saw / indeed / 2nd / gambler / that / gambler / come whenever / bad luck / swallowing
The second gambler saw that first gambler swallowing (the dice) whenever bad luck comes.

disvā akkhadhuttaṃ etad avoca: tvaṃ kho samma ekantikena jināsi, dehi samma akkhe, pajohissāmi ti.
🔼(disvā) 🚹②⨀(akkhadhutta) 🚻②⨀(eta) 🔵⏮🤟⨀(avoca) : 🤘①⨀(tvaṃ) 🔼(kho) 🔼(samma) 🚹③⨀(ekantika) ▶️🤘⨀(jināti) , 🚹③⨂(da) 🔼(samma) 🚹②⨂(akkha) , ⏭👆⨀(pajohati) 🔼(ti)
having seen /gambler / this / said : you / indeed / friend / conclusively / wins , by offering / friend / throw dice / quote
Having seen, the gambler said this: “Friend, you will conclusively win by giving the dice (to me), I will throw.”

evaṃ sammā ti kho so akkhadhutto tassa akkhadhuttassa akkhe pādāsi.
🔼(evaṃ) 🔼(samma) 🔼(ti kho) 🚹①⨀(ta) ①⨀(akkhadhutta) 🚹⑥⨀(ta) 🚹⑥⨀(akkhadhutta) 🚹②⨂(akkha) ⏮🤟⨀(pādāsi)
yes / friend / quote / that / gambler / of that / of gambler / dice / presented
“Yes, friend” that gambler of the gambler presented the dice.

atha kho so akkhadhutto akkhe visena paribhāvetvā taṃ akkhadhuttaṃ etad avoca: ehi kho samma akkhehi dibbissāmā ti.
🔼(atha kho) 🚹①⨀(ta) ①⨀(akkhadhutta) ②⨂(akkha) 🚻③⨀(visa) 🔼(paribhāvetvā) 🚹②⨀(ta) 🚹②⨀(akkhadhutta) 🚻②⨀(eta) 🔵⏮🤟⨀(avoca) : 🚹③⨂(ima) 🔼(kho) 🔼(samma) 🚹③⨂(akkha) ⏭👆⨂(dibbati) 🔼(ti)
after that / that / gambler / dice / with poison / having treated / that / gambler / this / said : with this / indeed / friend / with dice / (I) will play
After that, that gambler having treated the dice with poison, that gambler said this: I will play with this dice, friend.

evaṃ sammā ti kho so akkhadhutto tassa akkhadhuttassa paccassosi.
🔼(evaṃ) 🔼(samma) 🔼(ti) 🚹①⨀(ta) ①⨀(akkhadhutta) 🚹⑥⨀(ta) 🚹⑥⨀(akkhadhutta) ⏮🤟⨀(paccassosi)
yes / friend / quote / that / gambler / of that / of gambler / agreed
“Yes, friend” that gambler of the gambler agreed.

dutiyam pi kho te akkhadhuttā akkhehi dibbiṃsu, dutiyam pi kho so akkhadhutto āgatāgataṃ kaliṃ gilati.
🚻①⨀(dutiya) 🔼(pi kho) 🚹①⨂(ta) 🚹①⨂(akkhadhutta) ⏮🤟⨂(dibbi) , 🚻①⨀(dutiya) 🔼(pi kho) 🚹①⨀(ta) ①⨀(akkhadhutta) 🚹②⨀(āgatāgata) 🚹②⨀(kali) ▶️🤟⨀(gilati)
secondly / too / indeed / those / gamblers / with dice / secondly too / indeed / that / gambler / come whenever / bad luck / swallows
For the second time, those gamblers played with dice. And for the second time, that gambler swallows (the dice) when bad luck comes.

addasā kho dutiyo akkhadhutto taṃ akkhadhuttaṃ dutiyam pi āgatāgataṃ kaliṃ gilantaṃ.
↩️🤟⨀(addasā) 🔼(kho) 🚹①⨀(dutiya) ①⨀(akkhadhutta) 🚹②⨀(ta) 🚹②⨀(akkhadhutta) 🚹②⨀(āgatāgata) 🚻①⨀(dutiya) 🔼(pi) ②⨀(āgatāgata) 🚹②⨀(kali) 🚹②⨀(gilanta)
saw / indeed / 2nd / gambler / that / gambler / secondly / too / come whenever / bad luck / swallowing
The second gambler saw that first gambler swallowing (the dice) whenever bad luck comes for the second time.

disvā taṃ akkhadhuttaṃ etad avoca:
🔼(disvā) 🚹②⨀(akkhadhutta) 🚻②⨀(eta) 🔵⏮🤟⨀(avoca) :
having seen /gambler / this / said :
Having seen, the gambler said this:

littaṃ paramena tejasā
🚻①⨀(litta) 🚹③⨀(parama) 🚹③⨀(tejas)
smeared / by the best / by poison
“Smeared by the strongest poison

gilam akkhaṃ puriso na bujjhati
🚹①⨀(gilanta) 🚹②⨀(akkha) 🚹①⨀(purisa) ▶️🤟⨀(bujjhati)
swallowing / the dice / person / no / aware
The person swallowing the dice is not aware

gila re gila pāpadhuttaka
⏹🤘⨀(gilati) 🔼(re) ⏹🤘⨀(gilati) 🚹⓪⨀(pāpadhuttaka)
swallow! / damn you / swallow! / you bad cheat
Swallow! Damn you, swallow! You bad cheat!

pacchā te kaṭukaṃ bhavissatī ti.
🔼(pacchā) 🚹①⨂(ta) 🚻①⨀(kaṭuka) ⏭🤟⨀(bhavati) 🔼(ti)
afterwards / there / bitterness / will be / quote
Afterwards, there will be bitterness.”

Passage 2

DN 26 2.1-7.16 (D III 59,1 - 63,16):

bhūtapubbaṃ rājā Daḷhanemi nāma ahosi cakkavatti dhammiko dhammarājā … atha kho rājā Daḷhanemi vassasahassānaṃ accayena aññataraṃ purisaṃ āmantesi. yadā tvaṃ ambho purisa passeyyāsi dibbaṃ cakkaratanaṃ osakkitaṃ ṭhānā cutaṃ, atha me āroceyyāsī ti. evaṃ devā ti kho so puriso rañño Daḷhanemissa paccassosi. addasā kho so puriso vassasahassānaṃ accayena dibbaṃ cakkaratanaṃ osakkitaṃ ṭhānā cutaṃ. disvā yena rājā Daḷhanemi ten’ upasaṃkami, upasaṃkamitvā rājānaṃ Daḷhanemiṃ etad avoca. yagghe deva jāneyyāsi dibbaṃ te cakkaratanaṃ osakkitaṃ ṭhānā cutan ti. atha kho rājā Daḷhanemi jeṭṭhaputtaṃ kumāraṃ āmantāpetvā etad avoca. dibbaṃ kira me tāta kumāra cakkaratanaṃ osakkitaṃ ṭhānā cutaṃ. sutaṃ kho pana m’etaṃ, yassa rañño cakkavattissa dibbaṃ cakkaratanaṃ osakkati ṭhānā cavati, na dāni tena rañña ciraṃ jīvitabbaṃ hotī ti. bhuttā kho pana me mānusakā kāmā, samayo dibbe kāme pariyesituṃ. ehi tvaṃ tāta kumāra imaṃ paṭhaviṃ paṭipajja. ahaṃ pana kesamassuṃ, ohāretvā, kāsāyāni vatthāni acchādetvā, agārasmā anagāriyaṃ pabbajissāmi ti. atha kho rājā Daḷhanemi jeṭṭhaputtaṃ kumāraṃ sādhukaṃ rajje samanusāsitvā, kesamassuṃ ohāretvā kāsāyāni vatthāni acchādetvā, agārasmā anagāriyaṃ pabbaji. sattāhapabbajite kho pana rājisimhi dibbaṃ cakkaratanaṃ antaradhāyi. atha kho aññataro puriso yena rājā khattiyo ten’upasaṃkami, upasaṃkamitvā rājānaṃ khattiyaṃ etad avoca: yagghe deva jāneyyāsi dibbaṃ cakkaratanaṃ antarahitan ti.

atha kho rājā khattiyo dibbe cakkaratane antarahite anattamano ahosi. so yena rājisi ten’upasaṃkami, upasaṃkamitvā rājisiṃ etad avoca: yagghe deva jāneyyāsi dibbaṃ cakkaratanaṃ antarahitan ti. evaṃ vutte rājisi rājānaṃ khattiyaṃ etad avoca: mā kho tvaṃ tāta dibbe cakkaratane antarahite anattamano ahosi. na hi te tāta dibbaṃ cakkaratanaṃ pettikaṃ dāyajjaṃ. iṅgha tvaṃ tāta ariye cakkavattivatte vattāhi. ṭhānaṃ kho pan’etaṃ vijjati yan te dibbaṃ cakkaratanaṃ pātubhavissaJ ti. katamaṃ pan’etaṃ deva ariyaṃ cakkavattivattan ti. tena hi tvaṃ tāta dhammaṃ yeva nissāya dhammaṃ mānento dhammaṃ pūjento dhammikaṃ rakkhāvaraṇaguttiṃ saṃvidahassu khattiyesu anuyuttesu brāhmaṇagahapatikesu negamajānapadesu samaṇabrāhmaṇesu migapakkhīsu. mā ca te tāta vijite adhammakāro pavattittha. ye ca te tāta vijite adhanā assu, tesañ ca dhanaṃ anuppadeyyāsi. ye ca te tāta vijite samaṇabrahmaṇā madappamādā paṭiviratā, te kālena kālaṃ upasaṃkamitvā paripuccheyyāsi: kiṃ bhante kusalaṃ kiṃ akusalaṃ, kiṃ me kayiramānaṃ dīgharattaṃ ahitāya dukkhāya assa, kiṃ vā pana me kayiramānaṃ dīgharattaṃ hitāya sukhāya assa ti. tesaṃ sutvā yaṃ akusalaṃ taṃ abhinivajjeyyāsi, yaṃ kusalaṃ taṃ samādāya vatteyyāsi. idaṃ kho tāta taṃ ariyaṃ cakkavattivattan ti. evaṃ devā ti kho rājā khattiyo rājisissa paṭissutvā ariye cakkavattivatte vatti. tassa ariye cakkavattivatte vattamānassa dibbaṃ cakkarantanaṃ pāturahosi. disvā rañño khattiyassa etad ahosi: sutaṃ kho pana m’etaṃ: yassa rañño khattiyassa dibbaṃ cakkaratanaṃ pātubhavati, so hoti cakkavattī ti. assaṃ nu kho ahaṃ rājā cakkavattī ti.

atha kho taṃ cakkaratanaṃ puratthimaṃ disaṃ pavatti, anvad eva rājā cakkavatto saddhiṃ caturaṅginiyā senāya. yasmiṃ kho pana padese cakkaratanaṃ patiṭṭhāsi, tattha rājā cakkavatti vāsaṃ upagacchi saddhiṃ caturaṅginiyā senāya. ye kho pana puratthimāya disāya paṭirājāno, te rājānaṃ cakkavattiṃ upasaṃkamitvā evam āhaṃsu: ehi kho mahārāja, svāgataṃ te mahārāja, sakan te mahārāja, anusāsa mahārājā ti. rājā cakkavatti evam āha: pāno na hantabbo. adinnaṃ n’ādātabbaṃ. kāmesu micchā na caritabbā. musā na bhāsitabbā. majjaṃ na pātabbaṃ. yathābhuttañ ca bhuñjathā ti. ye kho pana puratthimāya disāya paṭirājāno, te rañño cakkavattissa anuyuttā ahesuṃ… dakkhiṇam disaṃ pavatti. pe. pacchimaṃ. pe. uttaraṃ. pe. ye kho pana uttarāya disāya paṭirājāno, te rañño cakkavattissa anuyuttā ahesuṃ.

bhūtapubbaṃ rājā Daḷhanemi nāma ahosi cakkavatti dhammiko dhammarājā …
🔼(bhūtapubbaṃ) 🚹①⨀(rāja Daḷhanemi) 🔼(nāma) ⏮🤟⨀(ahosi) 🚹①⨀(cakkavattī) 🚹①⨀(dhammika) 🚹①⨀(dhammarāja)
once upon a time / king / Daḷhanemi / named / was / wheel turning monarch / just / righteous
Once upon a time there was a king named Daḷhanemi who was a just and righteous wheel turning monarch …

atha kho rājā Daḷhanemi vassasahassānaṃ accayena aññataraṃ purisaṃ āmantesi.
🔼(atha kho) 🚹①⨀(rāja Daḷhanemi) 🚻④⨂(vassasahassa) 🚹③⨀(accaya) 🚹②⨀(aññatara) 🚹②⨀(purisa) ⏮🤟⨀(āmantesi)
after that / King Daḷhanemi / for a thousand years / after the passing of / a certain / person / addressed
After the passing of a thousand years, King Daḷhanemi addressed a certain man.

yadā tvaṃ ambho purisa passeyyāsi dibbaṃ cakkaratanaṃ osakkitaṃ ṭhānā cutaṃ, atha me āroceyyāsī ti.
🔼(yadā) 🤘①⨀(tvaṃ) 🔼(ambho) 🚹⓪⨀(purisa) ⏯🤘⨀(passati) 🚹②⨀(dibba) 🚻②⨀(cakkaratana) 🚹②⨀(osakkita) 🚻⑤⨀(ṭhāna) 🚹②⨀(cuta) 🔼(atha) 👆②⨀(ahaṃ) ⏯🤘⨀(āroceti)
whenever / you / hey / person / should see / celestial / jewelled wheel / slipped down / from place / fallen / me / should inform
“Hey my man, whenever you should see a comet (celestial jewelled wheel) slipped down and falling from it’s place, you should inform me.”

evaṃ devā ti kho so puriso rañño Daḷhanemissa paccassosi.
🔼(evaṃ devā ti kho) 🚹①⨀(ta purisa) 🚹④⨀(rāja Daḷhanemi) ⏮🤟⨀(paccassosi)
yes / Lord / quote / indeed / that / man / for king Daḷhanemi / replied to
“Yes, Lord”, the man replied to king Daḷhanemi.

addasā kho so puriso vassasahassānaṃ accayena dibbaṃ cakkaratanaṃ osakkitaṃ ṭhānā cutaṃ.
↩️🤟⨀(addasā) 🔼(kho) 🚹①⨀(ta purisa) 🚻④⨂(vassasahassa) 🚹③⨀(accaya) 🚹②⨀(dibba) 🚻②⨀(cakkaratana) 🚹②⨀(osakkita) 🚻⑤⨀(ṭhāna) 🚹②⨀(cuta)
saw / indeed / that / man / for a thousand years / after the passing of / celestial / jewelled wheel / slipped down / from place / fallen
After the passing of a thousand years, that man saw a comet slipped down and falling from it’s place.

disvā yena rājā Daḷhanemi ten’ upasaṃkami, upasaṃkamitvā rājānaṃ Daḷhanemiṃ etad avoca.
🔼(disvā) 🚹③⨀(ya) 🚹①⨀(rāja Daḷhanemi) 🚹③⨀(ta) ⏮🤟⨀(upasaṃkami) 🔼(upasaṃkamitvā) 🚹②⨀(rāja Daḷhanemi) 🚻②⨀(eta) 🔵⏮🤟⨀(avoca)
having seen / by where / king Daḷhanemi / by there / approached / having approached / to king Daḷhanemi / this / said
Having seen, (the person) approached King Daḷhanemi, and having approached, said this.

yagghe deva jāneyyāsi dibbaṃ te cakkaratanaṃ osakkitaṃ ṭhānā cutan ti.
🔼(yagghe) 🚹⓪⨀(deva) ⏯🤘⨀(jānāti) 🚹②⨀(dibba) 🤘④⨀(tvaṃ) 🚻②⨀(cakkaratana) 🚹②⨀(osakkita) 🚻⑤⨀(ṭhāna) 🚹②⨀(cuta)
see now! / Lord / should know / celestial / there / jewelled wheel / slipped down / from place / fallen
“See now, Lord, you should know the comet has slipped down and falling from it’s place for you.”

atha kho rājā Daḷhanemi jeṭṭhaputtaṃ kumāraṃ āmantāpetvā etad avoca.
🔼(atha kho) 🚹①⨀(rāja Daḷhanemi) 🚹②⨀(jeṭṭhaputta) 🚹②⨀(kumāra) 🔼(āmantāpetvā) 🚻②⨀(eta) 🔵⏮🤟⨀(avoca)
after that / King Daḷhanemi / first born / prince / having sent for / this / said
After that, King Daḷhanemi, having sent for his first born son, the prince, said.

dibbaṃ kira me tāta kumāra cakkaratanaṃ osakkitaṃ ṭhānā cutaṃ.
🚹②⨀(dibba) 🔼(kira) 👆⑥⨀(ahaṃ) 🚹⓪⨀(tāta) 🚹①⨂(ta) 🚻②⨀(cakkaratana) 🚹②⨀(osakkita) 🚻⑤⨀(ṭhāna) 🚹②⨀(cuta)
celestial / really / of my / son / jewelled wheel / slipped down / from place / fallen
“My son, the comet has slipped down and falling from it’s place.”

sutaṃ kho pana m’etaṃ, yassa rañño cakkavattissa dibbaṃ cakkaratanaṃ osakkati ṭhānā cavati, na dāni tena rañña ciraṃ jīvitabbaṃ hotī ti.
🚻①⨀(suta) 🔼(kho pana) 👆⑥⨀(ahaṃ) 🚻①⨀(eta) 🚹④⨀(ya) 🚹④⨀(rāja) 🚹④⨀(cakkavattī)🚹②⨀(dibba) 🚻②⨀(cakkaratana) 🚹②⨀(osakkita) 🚻⑤⨀(ṭhāna) ▶️🤟⨀(cavati) 🔼(na) 🔼(dāni) 🚹③⨀(ta) 🚹⑤⨀(rāja) 🚹②⨀(cira) 🚹②⨀(jīvitabba) ▶️🤟⨀(hoti) 🔼(ti)
heard / however / by me / this , for whoever / for king / for wheel turning monarch / celestial / jewelled wheel / slipped down / from place / fall / no / now / by there / from king / long time / should be lived by / is / quote
But I have heard this, for whichever wheel turning monarch the comet slips down and fall from it’s place, then for that king there is now not long to live.

bhuttā kho pana me mānusakā kāmā, samayo dibbe kāme pariyesituṃ.
🚹①⨂(bhutta) 🔼(kho pana) 👆⑥⨀(ahaṃ) 🚹①⨂(mānusaka) 🚹①⨂(kāma) 🚹①⨀(samaya) 🚹②⨂(dibba) 🚹②⨂(kāma) 🔼(pariyesituṃ)
enjoyed / however / by me / human / pleasures / time / heavenly / pleasures / to seek
But earthly pleasures have been enjoyed by me, it’s time to seek heavenly pleasures.

ehi tvaṃ tāta kumāra imaṃ paṭhaviṃ paṭipajja.
🚹③⨂(ima) 🤘①⨀(tvaṃ) 🚹⓪⨀(tāta) 🚹⓪⨀(kumāra) 🚻①⨀(ima) 🚺②⨀(paṭhavī) ⏹🤘⨀(paṭipajjati)
from this / you / son / prince / this / world / follow a path
From now, my son the prince, may you follow a path in this world

ahaṃ pana kesamassuṃ, ohāretvā, kāsāyāni vatthāni acchādetvā, agārasmā anagāriyaṃ pabbajissāmi ti.
👆①⨀(ahaṃ) 🔼(pana) 🚻②⨀(kesamassu) 🔼(ohāretvā) 🚻②⨂(kāsāya) 🚻②⨂(vattha) 🔼(acchādetvā) 🚻⑤⨀(agāra) 🚺②⨀(anagāriyā) ⏭👆⨀(pabbajati)
I / however / hair and beard / haviong shaved off , ochre / robe / having put on , from household life / to homeless state / I will renounce
I, however, having shaved off hair and beard, having put on ochre robe, will renounce from household life to homeless state.

atha kho rājā Daḷhanemi jeṭṭhaputtaṃ kumāraṃ sādhukaṃ rajje samanusāsitvā, kesamassuṃ ohāretvā kāsāyāni vatthāni acchādetvā, agārasmā anagāriyaṃ pabbaji.
🔼(atha kho) 🚹①⨀(rāja Daḷhanemi) 🚹②⨀(jeṭṭhaputta) 🚹②⨀(kumāra) 🔼(sādhukaṃ) 🚻⑦⨀(rajja) 🔼(samanusāsitvā) 🚻②⨀(kesamassu) 🔼(ohāretvā) 🚻②⨂(kāsāya) 🚻②⨂(vattha) 🔼(acchādetvā) 🚻⑤⨀(agāra) 🚺②⨀(anagāriyā) ⏮🤟⨀(pabbaji)
after that / King Daḷhanemi / first born / prince / carefully / on kingship / having thoroughly instructed / hair and beard / having shaved off , ochre / robe / having put on , from household life / to homeless state / renounced
After that King Daḷhanemi, having thoroughly and carefully instructed his eldest prince, having shaved off hair and beard, having put on ochre robe, renounced from household life to homeless state.

sattāhapabbajite kho pana rājisimhi dibbaṃ cakkaratanaṃ antaradhāyi.
🚹⑦⨀(sattāhapabbajita) 🔼(kho pana) 🚹⑦⨀(rājisi) 🚻①⨀(dibba) 🚻①⨀(cakkaratana) ⏮🤟⨀(antaradhāyi)
on renounced for a week / indeed / however / on kingly sage / celestial / jewelled wheel / disappeared
However, after the kingly sage had renounced for a week, the comet disappeared.

atha kho aññataro puriso yena rājā khattiyo ten’upasaṃkami, upasaṃkamitvā rājānaṃ khattiyaṃ etad avoca: yagghe deva jāneyyāsi dibbaṃ cakkaratanaṃ antarahitan ti.
🔼(atha kho) 🚹①⨀(aññatara) 🚹①⨀(purisa) 🚹③⨀(ya) 🚹①⨀(rāja khattiyo) 🚹③⨀(ta) ⏮🤟⨀(upasaṃkami) , 🔼(upasaṃkamitvā) 🚹②⨀(rāja Daḷhanemi) 🚻②⨀(eta) 🔵⏮🤟⨀(avoca) : 🔼(yagghe) ⏯🤘⨀(jānāti) 🚻①⨀(dibba) 🚻①⨀(cakkaratana) 🚻①⨀(antarahita)
after that / a certain / person / by where / king / noble / by there / approached , having approached / king / noble / this /said : come on! / you should know / celestial / jewelled wheel / disappeared
After that a certain person approached the noble king, and having approached the noble king, said this: “See now, Lord, you should know the comet has disappeared.”

atha kho rājā khattiyo dibbe cakkaratane antarahite anattamano ahosi.
🔼(atha kho) 🚹①⨀(rāja khattiya) 🚹②⨂(dibba) 🚻②⨂(cakkaratana) 🚹②⨂(antarahita) 🚹①⨀(anattamana) ⏮🤟⨀(ahosi)
After that / king / noble / celestial / jewelled wheel / disappeared / displeased / was
After that the noble king was distressed that the comet has disappeared.

so yena rājisi ten’upasaṃkami, upasaṃkamitvā rājisiṃ etad avoca: yagghe deva jāneyyāsi dibbaṃ cakkaratanaṃ antarahitan ti.
🚹①⨀(ta) 🚹③⨀(ya) 🚹①⨀(rājisi) 🚹③⨀(ta) ⏮🤟⨀(upasaṃkami) 🚹②⨀(rājisi) 🚻②⨀(eta) 🔵⏮🤟⨀(avoca) : 🔼(yagghe) 🚹⓪⨀(deva) ⏯🤘⨀(jānāti) 🚻①⨀(dibba) 🚻①⨀(cakkaratana) 🚻①⨀(antarahita) 🔼(ti)
He / by where / kingly sage / by there / having approached / kingly sage / this / said : see now / Lord / you should know / quote
Having approached the kingly sage, he said this to the kingly sage: “See now, o Lord, you should know the comet has disappeared.”

evaṃ vutte rājisi rājānaṃ khattiyaṃ etad avoca: mā kho tvaṃ tāta dibbe cakkaratane antarahite anattamano ahosi.
🔼(evaṃ) 🚹②⨂(vutta) 🚹①⨀(rājisi) 🚹②⨀(rāja khattiya) 🚻②⨀(eta) 🔵⏮🤟⨀(avoca) : 🔼(mā kho) 🤘①⨀(tvaṃ) 🚹⓪⨀(tāta) 🚹②⨂(dibba) 🚻②⨂(cakkaratana) 🚹②⨂(antarahita) 🚹①⨀(anattamana) ⏮🤟⨀(ahosi)
Thus / spoken to / kingly sage / king / noble / this / said : don’t / indeed / son / celestial / jewelled wheel / disappeared / distressed / was
Thus spoken to, the kingly sage said to the noble king: “My son, don’t be distressed the comet has disappeared.”

na hi te tāta dibbaṃ cakkaratanaṃ pettikaṃ dāyajjaṃ.
🔼(na hi) 🤘②⨀(tvaṃ) 🚹⓪⨀(tāta) 🚻①⨀(dibba) 🚻①⨀(cakkaratana) 🚹②⨀(pettika) 🚻②⨀(dāyajja)
certainly not / to you / son / celestial / jewelled wheel / paternal / inherits
“My son, the comet is certainly not a paternal inheritance for you.”

iṅgha tvaṃ tāta ariye cakkavattivatte vattāhi.
🔼(iṅgha) 🤘①⨀(tvaṃ) 🚹⓪⨀(tāta) 🚹②⨂(ariya) 🚻②⨂(cakkavattivatta) ⏹🤘⨀(vattati)
here / you / son / noble / duty / wield
“Here, my son, you must continue exercising your noble duties”

ṭhānaṃ kho pan’etaṃ vijjati yan te dibbaṃ cakkaratanaṃ pātubhavissatī ti.
🔼(ṭhānaṃ kho pan’etaṃ) ▶️🤟⨀(vijjati) 🔼(yan) 🤘②⨀(tvaṃ) 🚻①⨀(dibba) 🚻①⨀(cakkaratana) ⏭🤟⨀(pātubhavati) 🔼(ti)
it is possible / indeed / and this / is found / celestial / jewelled wheel / will appear
“And thus it is possible that the comet will appear to you.”

katamaṃ pan’etaṃ deva ariyaṃ cakkavattivattan ti.
🚻①⨀(katama) 🔼(pan’etaṃ) 🚹⓪⨀(deva) 🚻①⨀(ariya) 🚻①⨀(cakkavattivatta) 🔼(ti)
what / and this / Lord / noble / duty / quote
“And what of this noble duty?”

tena hi tvaṃ tāta dhammaṃ yeva nissāya dhammaṃ mānento dhammaṃ pūjento dhammikaṃ rakkhāvaraṇaguttiṃ saṃvidahassu khattiyesu anuyuttesu brāhmaṇagahapatikesu negamajānapadesu samaṇabrāhmaṇesu migapakkhīsu.
🔼(tenahi) 🤘①⨀(tvaṃ) 🚹⓪⨀(tāta) 🚹②⨀(dhamma) 🔼(yeva) 🔼(nissāya) 🚹②⨀(dhamma) 🚹①⨀(mānenta) 🚹②⨀(dhamma) 🚹①⨀(pūjenta) 🚻①⨀(dhammika) 🚺②⨀(rakkhāvaraṇagutti) 🔵⏹🤘⨀(saṃvidahati) 🚹⑦⨂(khattiya) 🚹⑦⨂(anuyutta) 🚹⑦⨂(brāhmaṇagahapatikā) 🚹⑦⨂(negamajānapada) 🚹⑦⨂(samaṇabrāhmaṇa) 🚹⑦⨂(migapakkhī)
well then / you / son / law / only / supporting / law / honouring / law / worshipping / justly / protection / organise / ruling caste / vassal / brahmins and householders / town and country people / ascetics and brahmans / beasts and birds
“Well then, my son, only by you supporting, honouring and worshipping the law, and you must organise the safety and security of vassal warriors, brahmins and householders, town and country people, religious practitioners, beasts and birds.”

mā ca te tāta vijite adhammakāro pavattittha.
🔼(mā ca) 🤘②⨀(tvaṃ) 🚹⓪⨀(tāta) 🚻⑦⨀(vijita) 🚹①⨀(adhammakāra) 🔵⏮🤟⨀(pavatti)
dont / and / to you / son / in kingdom / injustice / gave rise to
“And, my son, don’t give rise to injustice in the kingdom.”

ye ca te tāta vijite adhanā assu, tesañ ca dhanaṃ anuppadeyyāsi.
🚹①⨂(ya) 🔼(ca) 🚹①⨂(ta) 🚹⓪⨀(tāta) 🚻⑦⨀(vijita) 🚹①⨂(adhana) ⏯🤟⨂(assa) 🔼(tesañca) 🚻②⨀(dhana) anuppadeyyāsi
whoever / and / that / son / in kingdom / poor, destitute / should be / and of them / money / give
“And whoever, my son, that may be poor and destitute in the kingdom, to them you should give money.”

ye ca te tāta vijite samaṇabrāhmaṇā madappamādā paṭiviratā, te kālena kālaṃ upasaṃkamitvā paripuccheyyāsi: kiṃ bhante kusalaṃ kiṃ akusalaṃ, kiṃ me kayiramānaṃ dīgharattaṃ ahitāya dukkhāya assa, kiṃ vā pana me kayiramānaṃ dīgharattaṃ hitāya sukhāya assa ti.
🚹①⨂(ya) 🔼(ca) 🚹①⨂(ta) 🚹⓪⨀(tāta) 🚻⑦⨀(vijita) 🚹①⨂(samaṇabrāhmaṇa) 🚹①⨂(madappamāda) 🚹①⨂(paṭivirata) 🚹①⨂(ta) 🔼(kālena kālaṃ) 🔼(upasaṃkamitvā) ⏯🤘⨀(paripucchati) : 🚻①⨀(ka) 🚹⓪⨀(bhavant) 🚻①⨀(kusala) 🚻①⨀(ka) 🚻①⨀(akusala) 🚻①⨀(ka) 👆③⨀(ahaṃ) 🚻①⨀(kayiramāna) 🚻①⨀(dīgharatta) 🚺⑥⨀(ahita) 🚺⑥⨀(dukkha) 🚹⑥⨀(ima) 👆③⨀(ahaṃ) 🚻①⨀(kayiramāna) 🚻①⨀(dīgharatta) 🚺⑥⨀(hita) 🚺⑥⨀(sukha) 🚹⑥⨀(ima) 🔼(ti)
whoever / and / that / son / religious practitioners / intoxication and heedlessness / abstained from / they / from time to time / having approached / you should ask about : what / venerable sir / skilful / what / unskilful / what / by me / being done / for a long time / of harm / of unpleasant / of this, what / or however / by me / being done / for a long time / of beneficial / of pleasant / of this / quote
And, my son, having approached, from time to time, whichever religious practioners that have abstained from intoxication and heedlessness, you should ask them about: “What, Venerable Sir, is skilful? What is unskilful? What have been done by me for a long time that is harmful and unpleasant? Or moreover what have been done by me for a long time that is beneficial and pleasant?”

tesaṃ sutvā yaṃ akusalaṃ taṃ abhinivajjeyyāsi, yaṃ kusalaṃ taṃ samādāya vatteyyāsi.
🚹⑥⨂(ta) 🔼(sutvā) 🚻①⨀(ya) 🚻①⨀(akusala) 🚻①⨀(ta) ⏯🤘⨀(abhinivajjeti) 🚻①⨀(ya) 🚻①⨀(kusala) 🚻①⨀(ta) 🔼(samādāya) ⏯🤘⨀(vattati) 🚹⑥⨀(ima)
of that / having heard / whatever / unskilful / that / will be removed / whatever / skilful / that / will be taken up / will be practiced/continued
“Having heard that (response), you should remove anything unskilful and continue or take up anything skilful.”

idaṃ kho tāta taṃ ariyaṃ cakkavattivattan ti.
🔼(idaṃ kho) 🚹⓪⨀(tāta) 🚻①⨀(ta) 🚻①⨀(ariya) 🚻①⨀(cakkavattivatta) 🔼(ti)
here / indeed / my son / that / noble / duty
“Here, my son, that is the noble duty.”

evaṃ devā ti kho rājā khattiyo rājisissa paṭissutvā ariye cakkavattivatte vatti.
🔼(evaṃ) 🚹⓪⨀(deva) 🔼(ti kho) 🚹①⨀(rāja) 🚹①⨀(khattiya) 🚹⑥⨀(rājisi) 🔼(paṭissutvā) 🚹②⨂(ariya) 🚻②⨂(cakkavattivatta) ⏮🤟⨀(vatti)
yes, that is right / Lord / quote / indeed / king / of kingly sage / having agreed / noble / duty / took place
“Yes, that is indeed right, my Lord”, the noble king, having agreed with the kingly sage, undertook the noble duty.

tassa ariye cakkavattivatte vattamānassa dibbaṃ cakkarantanaṃ pāturahosi.
🚹⑥⨀(ta) ②⨂(ariya) 🚻②⨂(cakkavattivatta) 🚹⑥⨀(vattamāna) 🚻①⨀(dibba) 🚻①⨀(cakkaratana) ⏮🤟⨀(pāturahosi)
while / noble / duty / taking place / celestial / jewelled wheel / manifested
While (the noble king) was performing the noble duty, the comet manifested.

disvā rañño khattiyassa etad ahosi: sutaṃ kho pana m’etaṃ: yassa rañño khattiyassa dibbaṃ cakkaratanaṃ pātubhavati, so hoti cakkavattī ti.
🔼(disvā) 🚹④⨀(rāja) 🚹④⨀(khattiya) 🚻①⨀(eta) ⏮🤟⨀(ahosi) : 🚹②⨀(suta) 🔼(kho pana) 👆③⨀(ahaṃ) 🚻①⨀(eta) : 🚹④⨀(ya) 🚹④⨀(rāja) 🚹④⨀(khattiya) 🚻①⨀(dibba) 🚻 ①⨀(cakkaratana) ▶️🤟⨀(pātubhavati) 🚹①⨀(ta) ▶️🤟⨀(hoti) 🚹①⨀(cakkavattī)
having seen / for king / for noble / this / was: for whichever / for king / for noble / celestial / jewelled wheel / manifests , he / becomes / wheel turning monarch
Having seen, the thought occured for the noble king: “And so thus have I heard: ‘For whichever noble king the comet manifests, he becomes the wheel turning monarch.’”

assaṃ nu kho ahaṃ rājā cakkavattī ti.
🚺⑦⨀(ima) 🔼(nu kho) 👆①⨀(ahaṃ) 🚹①⨀(rāja) 🚹①⨀(cakkavattī) 🔼(ti)
at this / ? / indeed / I / king / wheel turning monarch
“At this point, am I indeed the wheel turning monarch?”

atha kho taṃ cakkaratanaṃ puratthimaṃ disaṃ pavatti, anvad eva rājā cakkavattī saddhiṃ caturaṅginiyā senāya.
🔼(atha kho) 🚻①⨀(ta) 🚻①⨀(cakkaratana) 🚺②⨀(puratthima) 🚺②⨀(disā) 🚺①⨀(pavatti) 🔼(anvadeva) 🚹①⨀(rāja) 🚹①⨀(cakkavattī) 🔼(saddhiṃ) 🚺③⨀(caturaṅgī) 🚺③⨀(sena)
after that / that / jewelled wheel / Eastern / direction / manifests / following behind / king / wheel turning monarch / together with / an army of four divisions, elephants, chariots and infantry / by army
After that, the comet manifests in the Eastern direction, following behind the wheel turning monarch together with an an army of four divisions, elephants, chariots and infantry.

yasmiṃ kho pana padese cakkaratanaṃ patiṭṭhāsi, tattha rājā cakkavatti vāsaṃ upagacchi saddhiṃ caturaṅginiyā senāya.
🚹⑦⨀(ya) 🔼(kho pana) 🚹⑦⨀(padesa) 🚻①⨀(cakkaratana) ⏮🤟⨀(patiṭṭhāsi) 🔼(tattha) 🚹①⨀(rāja) 🚹①⨀(cakkavattī) 🚹②⨀(vāsa) ⏮🤟⨀(upagacchi) 🔼(saddhiṃ) 🚺③⨀(caturaṅgī) 🚺③⨀(sena)
at whatever / and next / at place / jewelled wheel / planted itself / in that place / king / wheel turning monach / residence / went towards / together with / an army of four divisions, elephants, chariots and infantry / by army
And next, at whatever place the comet planted itself, in that place the wheel turning king went towards and took residence, together with an army of four divisions, elephants, chariots and infantry.

ye kho pana puratthimāya disāya paṭirājāno, te rājānaṃ cakkavattiṃ upasaṃkamitvā evam āhaṃsu: ehi kho mahārāja, svāgataṃ te mahārāja, sakan te mahārāja, anusāsa mahārājā ti.
🚹①⨂(ya) 🔼(kho pana) 🚺⑤⨀(puratthima) 🚺⑤⨀(disā) 🚹①⨂(paṭirāja) 🚹①⨂(ta) 🚹②⨀(rāja) 🚹②⨀(cakkavattī) 🔼(upasaṃkamitvā) 🔼(evaṃ) 🔄🤟⨂(āha) : ⏹🤘⨀(eti) 🔼(kho) 🚹⓪⨀(mahārāja) 🚻①⨀(svāgata) 🤘④⨀(tvaṃ) 🚹⓪⨀(mahārāja) 🚻①⨀(saka) 🤘④⨀(tvaṃ) 🚹⓪⨀(mahārāja) ⏹🤘⨀(anusāsati) 🚹⓪⨀(mahārāja) 🔼(ti)
whichever / and next / Eastern / direction / other kings / wheel turning monarch / having approached / they said : may you come / indeed / o great king / welcome / for you / o great king / my own / for you / o great king / may you advise / o great king / quote
And next, whichever other kings, having approached the wheel turning monarch from the Eastern direction, they said this: May you come, O Mahārāja, welcome to you, my own for you, may you advise (us).”

rājā cakkavatti evam āha: pāṇo na hantabbo.
🚹①⨀(rāja) 🚹①⨀(cakkavattī) 🔼(evaṃ) 🔄🤟⨀(āha) 🚹①⨀(pāṇa) 🔼(na) 🚹①⨀(hantabba)
king / wheel turning / he said / living beings / should be killed
The wheel turning monarch said: “Living beings should not be killed.”

adinnaṃ n’ādātabbaṃ.
🚻①⨀(adinna) 🔼(na) 🚻①⨀(ādātabba)
something which is not given / no / should be taken
“Something which is not given, should not be taken.”

kāmesu micchā na caritabbā.
🚹⑦⨂(kāma) 🔼(micchā) 🔼(na) 🚹①⨂(caritabba)
In sensual pleasures / wrongly / no / could be lived
“You should not be living in sensual pleasures.”

musā na bhāsitabbā.
🔼(musā) 🔼(na) 🚹①⨂(bhāsitabba)
falsehood / no / should be spoken
“Falsehoods should not be spoken.”

majjaṃ na pātabbaṃ.
🚻①⨀(majja) 🔼(na) 🚻①⨀(pātabba)
intoxicants / no / should be drunk
“Intoxicants should not be drunk.”

yathābhuttañ ca bhuñjathā ti.
🔼(yathābhuttaṃ ca) ⏹🤘⨂(bhuñjati)
eating the amount currently eaten / and / you must eat
“And you must eat in moderation.”

ye kho pana puratthimāya disāya paṭirājāno, te rañño cakkavattissa anuyuttā ahesuṃ… dakkhiṇaṃ disaṃ pavatti.
🚹①⨂(ya) 🔼(kho pana) 🚺⑤⨀(puratthima) 🚺⑤⨀(disā) 🚹①⨂(paṭirāja) 🚹①⨂(ta) 🚹⑥⨀(rāja) 🚹⑥⨀(cakkavattī) 🚹①⨂(anuyutta) ⏮🤟⨂(ahosi) … 🚺②⨀(dakkhiṇa) 🚺②⨀(disā) ⏮🤟⨀(pavatti)
whoever / and next / from Eastern / from direction / other kings / they / for king / for wheel turning / vassals / became / to south / to direction / moved
And next, whichever other kings from Eastern direction became vassals of the wheel turning monarch … (the comet) moved to Southern direction.

pe. pacchimaṃ. pe. uttaraṃ. pe.
🔼(pe) 🚺②⨀(pacchima) 🔼(pe) 🚺②⨀(uttara) 🔼(pe)
etc. / Western / etc. / Northern / etc.
Etc. for Western and Northern directions …

ye kho pana uttarāya disāya paṭirājāno, te rañño cakkavattissa anuyuttā ahesuṃ.
🚹①⨂(ya) 🔼(kho pana) 🚺⑤⨀(uttara) 🚺⑤⨀(disā) 🚹①⨂(paṭirāja) 🚹①⨂(ta) 🚹⑥⨀(rāja) 🚹⑥⨀(cakkavattī) 🚹①⨂(anuyutta) ⏮🤟⨂(ahosi)
whoever / and next / from Northern / from direction / other kings / they / for king / for wheel turning / vassals / became
And next, whichever other kings from Northern direction became vassals of the wheel turning monarch.

Translate from Pali

  1. brāhmaṇo va seṭṭho vaṇṇo (D III 81,10-11)
    🚹①⨀(brāhmaṇa) 🔼(va) 🚹①⨀(seṭṭha) 🚹①⨀(vaṇṇa)
    the brahmin / like / supreme / caste
    Only the brahmin caste is supreme.

  2. purisena purisaṃ karitvā khattiyā va seṭṭhā hīnā brāhmaṇā (D I 98,8-9)
    🚹③⨀(purisa) 🚹②⨀(purisa) 🔼(karitvā) 🚹①⨂(khattiya) 🔼(va) 🚹①⨂(seṭṭha) 🚹①⨂(hīna) 🚹①⨂(brāhmaṇa)
    with person / person / having done / warriors / only / supreme / inferior / brahmins
    Having compared person with person, only the warriors are supreme and the brahmins are inferior.

  3. na c’ etarahi vijjati añño samaṇo vā brāhmaṇo vā bhagavatā bhiyyo ‘bhiññataro (D III 99,8-9)
    🔼(na ca etarahi) ▶️🤟⨀(vijjati) 🚹①⨀(añña) 🚹①⨀(samaṇa) 🔼(vā) 🚹①⨀(brāhmaṇa) 🔼(vā) 🚹⑤⨀(bhagavant) 🔼(bhiyyo abhiññataro)
    not / but / presently / is present/exists / another / ascetic / or / brahmin / from the Blessed One / greater than / more learned
    But presently there does not exist another ascetic or brahmin more learned than the Blessed One

  4. tiṇhena satthena sīsam chindati (D I 56,32)
    🚹③⨀(tiṇha) 🚹③⨀(sattha) 🚻①⨀(sīsa) ▶️🤟⨀(chindati)
    by sharp / by sword / head / (he) cuts
    He cuts off the head with a sharp sword.

  5. na odanakummāsaṃ bhuñjeyyaṃ (D III 9,21-22)
    🔼(na) 🚹②⨀(odanakummāsa) 🔵⏯👆⨀(bhuñjati)
    no / rice and barley bread / consumes
    I should not consume rice and barley bread

  6. aggo ‘ham asmi lokassa, jeṭṭho ‘ham asmi lokassa, seṭṭho ‘ham asmi lokassa (D II 15,10-12)
    🚹①⨀(agga) 👆①⨀(ahaṃ) ▶️👆⨀(atthi) 🚹⑥⨀(loka) 🚹①⨀(jeṭṭha) ▶️👆⨀(atthi) 🚹⑥⨀(loka) 🚹①⨀(seṭṭha) ▶️👆⨀(atthi) 🚹⑥⨀(loka)
    supreme / I / am / of this world / oldest / am / of this world / foremost / am / of this world
    I am the supreme of this world, the oldest of this world, the foremost of this world.

  7. na mayaṃ ito bhiyyo pajānāma (D III 52,30-31)
    🔼(na) 👆①⨂(ahaṃ) 🔼(ito bhiyyo) ▶️👆⨂(pajānāti)
    not / we / from this / greater than / know
    We do not know more than this.

  8. idaṃ hīnaṃ, idaṃ paṇitaṃ (D II 223,2)
    🚻①⨀(ima) 🚻①⨀(hīna) 🚻①⨀(ima) 🚻①⨀(paṇīta)
    this / inferior / this superior
    This is inferior, this is superior.

  9. sañña nu kho bhante paṭhamaṃ uppajjati pacchā ñāṇaṃ, udāhu paṭhamaṃ ñāṇaṃ uppajjati pacchā saññā, udāhu sañña ca ñāṇaṃ ca apubbaṃ acarimaṃ uppajjanti. (D I 185,21-24)
    🔼(sañña nu kho) 🚹⓪⨀(bhavant) 🚻①⨀(paṭhama) ▶️🤟⨀(uppajjati) 🚹①⨂(paccha) 🚻①⨀(ñāṇa) 🔼(udāhu) 🚻①⨀(paṭhama) ①⨀(ñāṇa) ▶️🤟⨀(uppajjati) 🚻①⨀(apubba) 🚻①⨀(acarima) ▶️🤟⨂(uppajjati)
    perceiving / ? / indeed / Sir / first / arises / afterwards / understanding / or / first / understanding / arises / afterwards / perceiving / or / perceiving / and / understanding / and / not before / not later / arise
    Does perception arise before understanding, or understanding arise before perception, or do they arise simultaneously?

Translate into Pali

MN 57 1.1-3.4 (M I 387,8-21 + 27-28 + 388,2-9):

Once, the fortunate one was dwelling (use present tense, which in contexts like this expresses a continuing state in the past) among the Koḷiyas. Then (atha kho) Puṇṇa, a Koḷiyan (Koḷiyaputto) , a bovine, and a naked ascetic Seniya, a canine, approached (aorist : past event at a point of time) this way towards the fortunate one. Having approached, Punna(the) Koliyan (who was) a bovine, having saluted the fortunate one, sat down to one side ekam-antam : used as an indeclinable-compound). The naked ascetic Seniya, however, (the) canine, exchanged greetings with the fortunate one ; having made agreeable polite conversation (word order : agreeable conversa- tion polite), squatting (gerund) like a dog, he sat down to one side, Punna the Koliyan bovine, seated to one side (put this clause first) said this to the fortunate one: " Sir, this naked ascetic Seniya (is) a canine, a doer-of-hard-tasks. He eats (what is) thrown-on-the-ground. He (use genitive and past participle) has long (digharattam) conformed (to) that dog-vow. What (will be) his future state ? " " Enough, Punna, don’t bother with this. Don’t ask me this," [Punna asks a second and a third time : the convention being that, however reluctant, one must satisfy an inquirer who persists in asking up to three times. In the Pali of this story the question is repeated with abbreviation (pe) in place of the second statement. The fortunate one reluctantly answers.] “. . . Nevertheless I will explain to you (te). In this connection, Punna, someone develops the dog-vow perfectly (paripuṇṇam : accusative used as adverb) . . . Having developed the dog-vow perfectly, having developed the-virtue-of-a-dog perfectly, having developed the-mind-of-a-dog perfectly, having developed the-style-of-a- dog perfectly, after death he is reborn in the condition (acc.) of dogs. But if (sace) he has the opinion (diiṭṭhi, fem. : Lesson 20) : ‘By this virtue or vow I shall be a god,’ that (fem.) is his wrong-opinion.” (Wrong-opinion produces as future state either purgatory or birth as an animal.)

Once, the fortunate one was dwelling (use present tense, which in contexts like this expresses a continuing state in the past) among the Koḷiyas.
ekaṁ samayaṁ bhagavā koliyesu viharati haliddavasanaṁ nāma koliyānaṁ nigamo.

Then (atha kho) Puṇṇa, a Koḷiyan (Koḷiyaputto) , a bovine, and a naked ascetic Seniya, a canine, approached (aorist : past event at a point of time) this way towards the fortunate one.
Atha kho puṇṇo ca koliyaputto govatiko acelo ca seniyo kukkuravatiko yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkamiṁsu;

Having approached, Punna(the) Koliyan (who was) a bovine, having saluted the fortunate one, sat down to one side (ekam-antam : used as an indeclinable-compound).
upasaṅkamitvā puṇṇo koliyaputto govatiko bhagavantaṁ abhivādetvā ekamantaṁ nisīdi.

The naked ascetic Seniya, however, (the) canine, exchanged greetings with the fortunate one ; having made agreeable polite conversation (word order : agreeable conversation polite), squatting (gerund) like a dog, he sat down to one side, Punna the Koliyan bovine, seated to one side (put this clause first) said this to the fortunate one: " Sir, this naked ascetic Seniya (is) a canine, a doer-of-hard-tasks.
Ekamantaṁ nisinno kho puṇṇo koliyaputto govatiko bhagavantaṁ etadavoca: “ayaṁ, bhante, acelo seniyo kukkuravatiko dukkarakārako chamānikkhittaṁ bhojanaṁ bhuñjati.

He eats (what is) thrown-on-the-ground.

He (use genitive and past participle) has long (digharattam) conformed (to) that dog-vow.
Tassa taṁ kukkuravataṁ dīgharattaṁ samattaṁ samādinnaṁ.

What (will be) his future state ? "
Tassa kā gati, ko abhisamparāyo”ti?

" Enough, Punna, don’t bother with this. Don’t ask me this,"
“Alaṁ, puṇṇa, tiṭṭhatetaṁ; mā maṁ etaṁ pucchī”ti.

[Punna asks a second and a third time : the convention being that, however reluctant, one must satisfy an inquirer who persists in asking up to three times. In the Pali of this story the question is repeated with abbreviation (pe) in place of the second statement. The fortunate one reluctantly answers.]
Dutiyampi kho puṇṇo koliyaputto govatiko …pe… tatiyampi kho puṇṇo koliyaputto govatiko bhagavantaṁ etadavoca: “ayaṁ, bhante, acelo seniyo kukkuravatiko dukkarakārako chamānikkhittaṁ bhojanaṁ bhuñjati. Tassa taṁ kukkuravataṁ dīgharattaṁ samattaṁ samādinnaṁ. Tassa kā gati, ko abhisamparāyo”ti?

“. . . Nevertheless I will explain to you (te).
“Addhā kho te ahaṁ, puṇṇa, na labhāmi. Alaṁ, puṇṇa, tiṭṭhatetaṁ; mā maṁ etaṁ pucchīti; api ca tyāhaṁ byākarissāmi.

In this connection, Punna, someone develops the dog-vow perfectly (paripuṇṇam : accusative used as adverb) . . . Having developed the dog-vow perfectly, having developed the-virtue-of-a-dog perfectly, having developed the-mind-of-a-dog perfectly, having developed the-style-of-a- dog perfectly, after death he is reborn in the condition (acc.) of dogs.
Idha, puṇṇa, ekacco kukkuravataṁ bhāveti paripuṇṇaṁ abbokiṇṇaṁ, kukkurasīlaṁ bhāveti paripuṇṇaṁ abbokiṇṇaṁ, kukkuracittaṁ bhāveti paripuṇṇaṁ abbokiṇṇaṁ, kukkurākappaṁ bhāveti paripuṇṇaṁ abbokiṇṇaṁ. So kukkuravataṁ bhāvetvā paripuṇṇaṁ abbokiṇṇaṁ, kukkurasīlaṁ bhāvetvā paripuṇṇaṁ abbokiṇṇaṁ, kukkuracittaṁ bhāvetvā paripuṇṇaṁ abbokiṇṇaṁ, kukkurākappaṁ bhāvetvā paripuṇṇaṁ abbokiṇṇaṁ kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā kukkurānaṁ sahabyataṁ upapajjati.

But if (sace) he has the opinion (diiṭṭhi, fem. : Lesson 20) : ‘By this virtue or vow I shall be a god,’ that (fem.) is his wrong-opinion.”
Sace kho panassa evaṁdiṭṭhi hoti: ‘imināhaṁ sīlena vā vatena vā tapena vā brahmacariyena vā devo vā bhavissāmi devaññataro vā’ti, sāssa hoti micchādiṭṭhi.

(Wrong-opinion produces as future state either purgatory or birth as an animal.) Micchādiṭṭhissa kho ahaṁ, puṇṇa, dvinnaṁ gatīnaṁ aññataraṁ gatiṁ vadāmi—nirayaṁ vā tiracchānayoniṁ vā.
Iti kho, puṇṇa, sampajjamānaṁ kukkuravataṁ kukkurānaṁ sahabyataṁ upaneti, vipajjamānaṁ nirayan”ti.

Last modified January 19, 2024: Loaded Warder Answers 13-17 (1e9c0bb)