Answers to Warder Lesson 15

Answers to A.K. Warder “Introduction to Pali” Lesson 15

Reading Passage

Pāyāsisutta DN 23 PTS 2.316–2.358 29.9-29.14 (D II 349,25 - 350,7)

te ubho sāṇabhāraṃ ādāya yen’ aññataraṃ gāmapadaṃ ten’ upasaṃkamiṃsu. tatth’ addasaṃsu pahūtaṃ sāṇasuttaṃ chaḍḍitaṃ. disvā sahāyako sahāyakaṃ āmantesi: yassa kho samma atthāya iccheyyāma sāṇaṃ, idaṃ pahūtaṃ sāṇasuttaṃ chaḍḍitaṃ. tena hi samma tvañ ca sāṇabhāraṃ chaḍḍehi, ahañ ca sāṇabhāraṃ chaḍḍessāmi. ubho sāṇasuttabhāraṃ ādāya gamissāmā ti. ayaṃ kho me samma sāṇabhāro dūrābhato ca susannaddho ca. alam1 me; tvaṃ pajānāhī ti. atha kho so sahāyako sāṇabhāraṃ chaḍḍetvā sāṇasuttabhāraṃ ādiyi.

te ubho sāṇabhāraṃ ādāya yen’ aññataraṃ gāmapadaṃ ten’ upasaṃkamiṃsu.
🚹①⨂(ta) ⨁①⨀(ubha) 🚹②⨀(sāṇabhāra) 🚺⑦⨀(āda) 🔼(yena) 🚻①⨀(aññatara) 🚻①⨀(gāmapaṭṭa) 🔼(tena) ⏮🤟⨀(upasaṃkami)
they | both | load of hemp | in taking | by where | a certain | site of a village | by where | approached
They both taking a load of hemp approached (another) certain site of a village.

tatth’ addasaṃsu pahūtaṃ sāṇasuttaṃ chaḍḍitaṃ.
🔼(tattha) ⏮🤟⨂(addasa) 🚻①⨀(pahūta) 🚻①⨀(sāṇasutta) 🚻①⨀(chaḍḍita)
in that place | they saw | considerable | hemp thread | discarded
In that place they saw considerable hemp thread discarded.

disvā sahāyako sahāyakaṃ āmantesi: yassa kho samma atthāya iccheyyāma sāṇaṃ, idaṃ pahūtaṃ sāṇasuttaṃ chaḍḍitaṃ.
🔼(disvā) 🚹①⨀(sahāyaka) 🚹②⨀(sahāyaka) ⏮🤟⨀(āmantesi): 🚹④⨀(ya) 🔼(kho) 🔼(samma) 🚹④⨀(attha) ⏯👆⨂(icchati) 🚹②⨀(sāṇa) , 🔼(idaṃ) 🚻①⨀(pahūta) 🚻①⨀(sāṇasutta) 🚻①⨀(chaḍḍita)
having seen | friend | friend | discussed : for whatever | indeed | friend | for purpose | we will desire | hemp , here | considerable | hemp thread | discarded
Having seen, friend discussed to friend: “Mate, for whatever purpose we will wish for hemp, here is considerable hemp thread discarded.”

tena hi samma tvañ ca sāṇabhāraṃ chaḍḍehi, ahañ ca sāṇabhāraṃ chaḍḍessāmi.
🔼(tenahi) 🔼(samma) 🔼(tvañca) 🚹②⨀(sāṇabhāra) ⏹🤘⨀(chaḍḍeti) 🔼(ahañca) 🚹②⨀(sāṇabhāra) ⏭👆⨀(chaḍḍeti)
therefore / mate / and you / load of hemp / you must dischard / and I / load of hemp / I will discard
“Therefore, mate, you must discard (your) load of hemp, and I will discard (my) load of hemp.”

ubho sāṇasuttabhāraṃ ādāya gamissāmā ti.
⨁①⨀(ubha) 🚹②⨀(sāṇasuttabhāra) 🔼(ādāya) ⏭👆⨂(gamissati) 🔼(ti)
both | load of hemp thread | having taken | will go | quote
“Both having taken a load of hemp thread, we will go.”

ayaṃ kho me samma sāṇabhāro dūrābhato ca susannaddho ca.
🚹①⨀(ima) 🔼(kho) 👆③⨀(ahaṃ) 🔼(samma) 🚹①⨀(sāṇabhāra) 🚹①⨀(dūrābhata) 🔼(ca) 🚹①⨀(susannaddha) 🔼(ca)
this | indeed | by me | mate | load of hemp | carried far | and | well tied up
“Mate, this load of hemp has been well tied up and carried far by me.”

alam me; tvaṃ pajānāhī ti.
🔼(alaṃ) 👆④⨀(ahaṃ) ; 🤘①⨀(tvaṃ) ⏹🤘⨀(pajānāti) 🔼(quote)
that’s enough | for me ; you | must understand | quote
“That’s enough for me, you must understand.”

atha kho so sahāyako sāṇabhāraṃ chaḍḍetvā sāṇasuttabhāraṃ ādiyi.
🔼(atha kho) 🚹①⨀(ta) 🚹①⨀(sahāyaka) 🚹②⨀(sāṇabhāra) 🔼(chaḍḍetvā) 🚹②⨀(sāṇasuttabhāra) ⏮🤟⨀(ādiyi)
after that | that | friend | load of hemp | having discarded | load of hemp thread | took
After that, that friend. having discarded (his) load of hemp. took a load of hemp thread.

Translate from Pali

tena hi brāhmaṇa suṇāhi (D I 124,19)
🔼(tena hi) 🚹⓪⨀(brāhmaṇa) ⏹🤘⨀(suṇāti)
therefore | o Brahman | you must listen
Therefore, o Brahman, you must listen!

na tvaṃ imaṃ dhammavinayaṃ ājānāsi. ahaṃ imaṃ dhammavinayaṃ ājānāmi (D III 117,7-9)
🔼(na) 🤘①⨀(tvaṃ) 🚹②⨀(ima) 🚹②⨀(dhammavinaya) ▶️🤘⨀(ājānāti) . 👆①⨀(ahaṃ) 🚹②⨀(ima) 🚹②⨀(dhammavinaya) ▶️👆⨀(ājānāti)
no | you | this | teaching and training | understand . i | this | teaching and training | understand
You do not understand this teaching and training. I understand this teaching and training.

idha tathāgato jāto (D II 140,20)
🔼(idha) 🚹①⨀(tathāgata) 🚹①⨀(jāta)
here | tathāgata | born
Here the Tathāgata was born.

ko imaṃ dhammaṃ khippam eva ājānissati (D II 40,5-6)
🚹①⨀(ka) 🚹②⨀(ima) 🚹②⨀(dhamma) 🚻①⨀(khippa) 🔼(eva) ⏭🤟⨀(ājānāti)
who? | this | doctrine | quickly | just | will understand
Who will understand this doctrine quickly?

ekacco dānaṃ deti samaṇassa vā brāhmaṇassa vā annaṃ pānaṃ vatthaṃ yānaṃ mālāgandhavilepanaṃ seyyāvasathapadīpeyyaṃ (D III 259,3-5)
🚹①⨀(ekacca) 🚻①⨀(dāna) ▶️🤟⨀(deti) 🚹④⨀(samaṇa) 🔼(vā) 🚹④⨀(brāhmaṇa) 🔼(vā) 🚻②⨀(anna) 🚻②⨀(pāna) 🚻②⨀(vattha) 🚹②⨀(mālāgandhavilepana) 🚻②⨀(seyyāvasathapadīpeyya)
some/certain | alms/gift | he gave | for ascetic | or | for brahmin | or | food | drink | cloth | footwear | garlands/perfumes/oils | bedding/housing/lighting
A certain person gave some gifts for ascetics or brahmins: food, drink, clothing, footwear, garlands, perfumes, oils, bedding, housing, lighting.

ko nu kho papa bho jānāti. madanīyā kāmā (D II 234,10-11)
🔼(ko nu kho) 🚻①⨂(papa) 🚹⓪⨀(bhavant) ▶️🤟⨀(jānāti) . 🚹①⨂(madanīya) 🚹①⨂(kāma)
who? | indeed | bar | sir | know. intoxicating | sensual pleasures
Sir, who knows (this) bar? Sensual pleasures are intoxicating.

jānāhi yadi vā taṃ bhavantaṃ Gotamaṃ tathā santaṃ yeva saddo abbhuggato, yadi vā no tathā (D I 88,22-24)
⏹🤘⨀(jānāti) 🔼(yadi) 🚻①⨀(ta) 🚹②⨀(bhavant) 🚹②⨀(gotama) 🚻①⨂(tatha) 🚹②⨀(santa) 🔼(yeva) 🚹①⨀(sadda) 🚹①⨀(abbhuggata) , 🔼(yadi) 🔼(vā) 🔼(no) 🚻①⨂(tatha)
you must understand | whether | or | that | Venerable | Gotama | true | existing | only/just | reputation | arisen/spread , or whether | or | not | real/true
You must understand whether that reputation that has spread regarding Venerable Gotama is truly correct, or whether it is not true.

tassa evaṃ jānato evaṃ passato kāmāsavā pi cittaṃ vimuccati bhavāsavā pi cittaṃ vimuccati avijjāsavā pi cittaṃ vimuccati (D I 84,8- 10)
🚹⑥⨀(ta) 🔼(evaṃ) 🚻⑥⨀(jānanta) 🔼(evaṃ) 🚹⑥⨀(passanta) 🚹⑤⨀(kāmāsava) 🔼(pi) 🚻①⨀(citta) ▶️🤟⨀(vimuccati) 🚹⑤⨀(bhavāsava) 🔼(pi) 🚻①⨀(citta) ▶️🤟⨀(vimuccati) 🚹⑤⨀(avijjāsava) 🔼(pi) 🚻①⨀(citta) ▶️🤟⨀(vimuccati)
of that | thus | of knowing | thus | of seeing | from effluent of sensual pleasure | too | mind | released from | from effluent of being | too | mind | released from | from effluent of ignorance | too | mind | released from
When knowing and seeing thus, the mind is released from the effluents of sensual pleasures, being and ignorance.

yaṃ kiñ ci samudayadhammaṃ, sabban taṃ nirodhadhammaṃ (D II 41,20-21) 🚻①⨀(ya) 🔼(kiñci) | 🚻①⨀(samudayadhamma) , 🚻①⨀(sabbanta) 🚻①⨀(nirodhadhamma)
whatever | something | subject to arising, entire | subject to ceasing
Whatever arises, will cease completely.

n’ atthi jātassa amaraṇaṃ (D II 246,16)
▶️🤟⨀(natthi) 🚹⑥⨀(jāta) 🚻①⨀(amaraṇa)
is not | of born | immortality
One who has been born is not immortal.

Translate into Pali

What I know, you know what you know, I know (D I 88,8-10)
Yaṃ ahaṃ jānāmi, taṃ tvaṃ jānāsi; yaṃ tvaṃ jānāsi, taṃ ahaṃ jānāmi.

I learn the saying of the fortunate one (D I 184,30-31)
Ahaṃ Bhagavato bhāsitaṃ (or vacanaṃ) ājānāmi.

He will grasp what I explain (fut.) quickly (D II 150,16-17)
Yaṃ ahaṃ vyākarissāmi, taṃ khippam eva ājānissati.

After some time he hears the excellent doctrine (D II 214,11-12)
So aparena samayena ariyaṃ dhammaṃ sunāti.

The fortunate one, taking robe-and-bowl, entered Rājagaha for alms (D III 180,9-10)
 Bhagavā pattacīvaraṃ ādāya Rājagahaṃ piṇḍāya pāvisi.

Stop! Ananda, don’t grieve (D II 144,10)
Alaṃ Ānanda, mā paridevesi.

He understands that (use direct speech) these beings (are) endowed with bad-conduct-of-the-body (D I 82,25-29)
So pajānāti: ‘ime sattā kāyaduccaritena samannāgatā’.

Not-memorizing that speech, I left (D I 53,13-14)
Taṃ vācam (or bhāsitam or vacanam) anuggaṇhanto pakkāmiṃ.

Why (is) this unexplained by the philosopher Gotama? (Cf. D I 188,32)
Kasmā idaṃ samanena Gotamena avyākataṃ?

You (plur.) have gone forth from house to homelessness (D III 84,14-15)
Tumhe agārasmā anagāriyaṃ pabbajitā.

Last modified January 19, 2024: Loaded Warder Answers 13-17 (1e9c0bb)