Answers to Warder Lesson 11
Translate from Pali
na kho ahaṃ āvuso addasaṃ (D II 130,21)
🔼(na kho) 👆①⨀(ahaṃ) 🔼(āvuso) ⏮👆⨀(addasa)
no | indeed | I | friend | saw
Indeed, friend, I did not see.
ayaṃ tathāgatassa pacchimā vācā (D II 156,3)
🚹①⨀(ima) 🚹⑥⨀(tathāgata) 🚹①⨂(pacchima) 🚹①⨂(vāca)
these | of Tathāgata | final | words
These are the final words of the Tathāgata.
pāmujjaṃ bhavissati, sukho ca vihāro (D I 196,10-12)
🚻①⨀(pāmujja) ⏭🤟⨀(bhavati) 🚹①⨀(sukha) 🔼(ca) 🚹①⨀(vihāra)
joy | there will be | comfortable | and | way of life
There will be joy, and comfortable way of life.
addasā kho bhagavā tā devatāyo (D II 87,11-12)
↩️🤟⨀(addasā) 🔼(kho) 🚹①⨀(bhagavant) 🚺①⨂(ta) 🚺①⨂(devatā)
saw | indeed | Blessed One | those | deities
The Blessed One indeed saw those deities.
iminā kho evaṃ bho pariyāyena Jotipālassa māṇavassa Mahāgovindo ti samaññā udapādi (D II 232,23-25)
🚹③⨀(ima) 🔼(kho) 🔼(evaṃ) 🚹⓪⨀(bhavant) 🚹③⨀(pariyāya) 🚹④⨀(jotipāla) 🚹④⨀(māṇava) 🚹①⨀(mahāgovinda) 🔼(ti) 🚺①⨀(samaññā) ⏮🤟⨀(udapādi)
by this | indeed | thus | sir | by means | of Jotipāla | of young brahman | Mahāgovinda | quote | designation | arose
Thus, by this means, sir, the name “Mahāgovinda” arose for Jotipāla the young brahman.
sassato loko (D I 187,22)
🚹①⨀(sassata) 🚹①⨀(loka)
eternal | universe
The universe is eternal.
so gacchati dakkhiṇaṃ disaṃ (D I 222,27-28)
🚹①⨀(ta) ▶️🤟⨀(gacchati) 🚹②⨀(dakkhiṇa) 🚹②⨀(disa)
it | goes | southern | direction
It goes to the southern direction.
kusalan ti pi na bhavissati, kuto pana kusalassa kārako (D III 71,27-28)
🚻①⨀(kusala) 🔼(ti pi na) ⏭🤟⨀(bhavati) , 🔼(kuto pana) 🚹⑥⨀(kusala) 🚹①⨀(kāraka)
good | quote | even | no | will be , let alone | but | of good | doer
There will not be a “good”, let alone a doer of good.
ahaṃ kho maggaṃ agamāsiṃ (D III 255,24)
👆①⨀(ahaṃ) 🔼(kho) 🚹②⨀(magga) ⏮👆⨀(agamāsi)
I | indeed | road | travelled
Indeed, I travelled (along the) road.
kalyānaṃ vuccati brāhmaṇa (D I 110,34)
🚻④⨂(kalya) ▶️🤟⨀(vuccati) 🚹⓪⨀(brāhmaṇa)
for proper | is said | O brahman
O Brahman, properly said.
atha kho rājā Mahāsudassano vāmena hatthena bhiṅkāraṃ gahetvā dakkhiṇena hatthena cakkaratanaṃ abbhukkiri (D II 172,19-22)
🔼(atha kho) 🚹①⨀(rāja) 🚹①⨀(mahāsudassana) 🚹③⨀(vāma) 🚹③⨀(hattha) 🚹②⨀(bhiṅkāra) 🔼(gahetvā) 🚹③⨀(dakkhiṇa) 🚹③⨀(hattha) 🚻②⨀(cakkaratana) ⏮🤟⨀(abbhukkiri)
after that | King | Mahāsudassana | with left | with hand | water jar | having taken | with right | with hand | jewelled wheel | sprinkled over
After that King Mahāsudassana, having taken water jar with left hand, sprinkled over jewelled wheel with right hand.
idaṃ kusalaṃ (D II 222,27)
🚻①⨀(ima) 🚻①⨀(kusala)
this | wholesome
This is wholesome.
ayaṃ Jambudīpo iddho c’eva bhavissati phīto ca (D III 75,8-9)
🚹①⨀(ima) 🚹①⨀(jambudīpa) 🚹①⨀(iddha) 🔼(ceva) ⏭🤟⨀(bhavati) 🚹①⨀(phīta)
this | India | as well as | will become | successful
This India is wealthy as well as will become successful.
micchā paṭipanno tvam asi, aham asmi sammā paṭipanno (D III 117,10-11)
🔼(micchā) 🚹①⨀(paṭipanna) 🤘①⨀(tvaṃ) ▶️🤘⨀(atthi) , 👆①⨀(ahaṃ) ▶️👆⨀(atthi) 🔼(sammā) 🚹①⨀(paṭipanna)
wrong | practicing | you | are , I | am | correct | practising
You are practicing wrongly, I am practising correctly.
so tato cuto idhūpapanno (D I 81,23)
🚹①⨀(ta) 🚹⑤⨀(ta) 🚹①⨀(cuta) 🔼(idhūpapanno)
he | from there | passed away | reborn here
He passed away from there, and was reborn here.
addasā paribbājako bhagavantaṃ āgacchantaṃ (D I 179,5-6)
↩️🤟⨀(addasā) 🚹①⨀(paribbājaka) 🚹②⨀(bhagavant) 🚹②⨀(āgacchanta)
saw | wandering ascetic | Blessed One | coming
The wandering ascetic saw the Blessed One coming.
saññā uppajjanti pi nirujjhanti pi (D I 180,3)
🚹①⨂(sañña) ▶️🤟⨂(uppajjati) 🔼(pi) ▶️🤟⨂(nirujjhati) 🔼(pi)
perceptions | arise | too | cease | too
Perceptions arise and cease.
bhagavato ābādho uppajji (D II 127,34-35)
🚹④⨀(bhagavant) 🚹①⨀(ābādha) ⏮🤟⨀(uppajji)
for Blessed One | disease | arose
Disease arose for Blessed One.
saṃvaraṃ āpajjati (D I 85,26)
🚹②⨀(saṃvara) ▶️🤟⨀(āpajjati)
restraint | he becomes
He becomes restrained.
ahaṃ kho kammaṃ akāsiṃ. kammaṃ kho pana me karontassa kāyo kilanto, handāhaṃ nipajjāmi (D III 255,15-16)
👆①⨀(ahaṃ) 🔼(kho) 🚻②⨀(kamma) ⏮👆⨀(akāsi) . 🚻②⨀(kamma) 🔼(kho pana) 👆⑥⨀(ahaṃ) 🚹⑥⨀(karonta) 🚺①⨂(ka) 🚹①⨀(kilanta) , 🔼(handāhaṃ) ▶️👆⨀(nipajjati)
I | indeed | work | did . work | indeed | but | of I | of doing | body | became tired , now I must | rest
Indeed I did work. However, while I was doing work, the body became tired, now I must rest.
imaṃ mayaṃ addasāma idha upapannaṃ (D I 18,17-18)
🚻①⨀(ima) 👆①⨂(ahaṃ) ⏮👆⨂(addasa) 🔼(idha) 🚻①⨀(upapanna)
this | we | saw | here | appeared
We saw this appearing here.
Translate into Pali
The universe is infinite (D I 188,1-2)
Ananto (or anantavā) loko.
This is not easy (use the neuter: impersonal statement) (D I 63,3-4)
Na idaṃ sukaraṃ.
I followed the road (D III 255,24)
Ahaṃ maggaṃ agamāsiṃ (or paṭipajjiṃ).
The king saw the boy (D II 16,3-4)
Addasā rājā kumāraṃ.
The city was prosperous (Cf. D II 146,29 and D I 211,7)
Nagaraṃ phītaṃ ahosi.
He (is) fixed, permanent, eternal (four words, order as here) (D I 18,35)
So dhuvo nicco sassato.
We saw the fortunate one (D III 39,32)
Addasāma Bhagavantaṃ.
The speech (is) agreeable (D III 173,13-14)
Vācā kantā (or bhāsitaṃ kantaṃ).
My life (was) given by him (he spared my life), his life (was) given by me (I spared his life) (Cf. D I 148,3)
Tena ca me jīvitaṃ dinnaṃ, mayā ca tassa jīvitaṃ dinnaṃ.
See! Ananda - They (are) past, ended, changed (D II 198,18-19)
Passa, Ānanda, te atītā niruddhā vipariṇatā.
He has much gold (Cf. D II 351,11 and D III 163,5-6)
Tassa pahūtaṃ suvaṇṇaṃ hoti.