Answers to Warder Lesson 7
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- iminā mayaṃ nimmitā (D I 18,16)
- mayaṃ brahmunā nimmitā (D I 18,16)
DN 1 2.5.10:
Iminā mayaṁ (bhotā) brahmunā nimmitā.
🚹③⨀(ima) 👆①⨂(ahaṃ) 🚹③⨀(bhavant) 🚹③⨀(brahma) 🚹①⨂(nimmita)
By this | we | by sir | by God | created
We have been created by this Lord God.
- desito Ānanda mayā dhammo (D II 100,2)
DN 16 2.25.2:
Desito, ānanda, mayā dhammo (anantaraṁ abāhiraṁ karitvā).
🚹①⨀(desita) 🚹⓪⨀(ānanda) 👆③⨀(ahaṃ) 🚹①⨀(dhamma) 🚻①⨀(anantara) 🚻①⨀(abāhira) 🔼(karitvā)
Taught by , Ānanda , by me | teaching | no secret teaching | no public teaching | having made
The Dhamma was taught by me, Ānanda, (having made no secret teaching and no public teaching).
- iminā tvaṃ purisa dhanena jivāhi (D III 66,2-3)
DN 26 10.15:
Atha kho, bhikkhave, rājā khattiyo muddhābhisitto tassa purisassa dhanamanuppadāsi:
‘iminā tvaṁ, (ambho) purisa, dhanena (attanā ca) jīvāhi, mātāpitaro ca posehi, puttadārañca posehi, kammante ca payojehi, samaṇabrāhmaṇesu uddhaggikaṁ dakkhiṇaṁ patiṭṭhāpehi sovaggikaṁ sukhavipākaṁ saggasaṁvattanikan’ti.
🔼(atha kho) , 🚹⓪⨂(bhikkhu) , 🚹①⨀(rāja) 🚹①⨀(khattiya) 🚹①⨀(muddhābhisitta) 🚹④⨀(ta) 🚹④⨀(purisa) ⏮🤟⨀(dhanamanuppadāsi) :
After that , monks , king | noble | inaugurated | for that | for man | gave money :
After that, the noble inaugurated king gave money to that man:
🚹③⨀(ima) 🤘①⨀(tvaṃ) 🔼(ambho) 🚹⓪⨀(purisa) 🚻③⨀(dhana) 🚹③⨀(atta) 🔼(ca) ⏹🤘⨀(jīvati)
With this | you | look here | man | with money | with self | and | may you subsist
Look here, my man, with this money, may you subsist by yourself,
🚹②⨂(mātāpitar) 🔼(ca) ⏹🤘⨀(poseti) 🚹②⨀(puttadāra)
Parents | and | please look after , wife and kids | please look after ,
And please look after parents, wife and kids,
🚹②⨂(kammanta) 🔼(ca) ⏹🤘⨀(payojeti) ,
Work | and | engage in
And engage in work,
🚹⑦⨂(samaṇabrāhmaṇa) 🚹②⨀(uddhaggika) 🚹②⨀(dakkhiṇa) ⏹🤘⨀(patiṭṭhāpeti)
In religious practitioners | promoting spiritual welfare | donation | please offer
Please offer donation to religious practitioners promoting spiritual welfare
🚻①⨀(sovaggika) 🚻①⨀(sovaggika) 🚻①⨀(saggasaṃvattanika) 🔼(ti)
Leading to heaven | resulting in happiness | leading to heaven | quote
Leading to heaven and resulting in happiness.
- vimutto tathāgato (D I 29,31)
DN 1 1.36.4:
Vedanānaṁ samudayañca atthaṅgamañca assādañca ādīnavañca nissaraṇañca yathābhūtaṁ viditvā (anupādā)vimutto, bhikkhave, tathāgato.
🚺④⨂(vedanā) 🚹②⨀(samudaya) 🔼(ca) 🚹②⨀(atthaṅgama) 🔼(ca) 🚹②⨀(assāda) 🔼(ca) 🚹②⨀(ādīnava) 🔼(ca) 🚻①⨀(nissaraṇa) 🚻①⨀(yathābhūta) 🔼(viditvā)
For feelings | appearance | and | passing away | and | satisfaction | and | unsatisfactoriness | and | escape from | as it truly is | having perceived
… 🚹①⨀(anupādāvimutta) 🚹⓪⨂(bhikkhu) 🚹①⨀(tathāgata)
liberated through non-attachment | monks | Tathāgata
Having perceived the appearance and passing away of feelings, satisfaction and dissatisfaction, escape from feelings, as they truly are,
… the Tathāgata is liberated (through non-attachment).
- te ca me evaṃ puṭṭhā āmā ti vadanti (Cf. D III 28,16 & D I 194,1)
DN 24 2.20.2:
Te ca me evaṁ puṭṭhā ‘āmo’ti paṭijānanti.
🚹①⨂(ta) 🔼(ca) 👆③⨀(ahaṃ) 🔼(evaṁ) 🚹①⨂(puṭṭha) 🔼(āmo) 🔼(ti) ▶️🤟⨂(paṭijānāti)
They | and | by me | thus | asked | quote | assent
And thus asked by me: they assent: “Yes!”
- idam āsanaṃ paññattaṃ (D III 39,22-23)
DN 9 5.6:
(Nisīdatu, bhante, bhagavā), idaṁ āsanaṁ paññattan”ti.
⏹🤟⨀(nisīdati) 🚹⓪⨀(bhavant) 🚹①⨀(bhagavant) 🚻①⨀(ima) 🚻①⨀(āsana) 🚻①⨀(paññatta) 🔼(ti)
Please sit down | bhante | Blessed One | this | chair | prepared
“(Please sit down, Bhante, o Blessed One), this chair has been prepared.”
- ete manussā gehaṃ pavisanti (D I 83,7-8)
DN 2 96.1:
Seyyathāpi, mahārāja, majjhe siṅghāṭake pāsādo. Tattha cakkhumā puriso ṭhito passeyya manusse gehaṁ pavisantepi nikkhamantepi rathikāyapi vīthiṁ sañcarante majjhe siṅghāṭake nisinnepi. Tassa evamassa: ‘ete manussā gehaṁ pavisanti, ete nikkhamanti, ete rathikāya vīthiṁ sañcaranti, ete majjhe siṅghāṭake nisinnā’ti.
🔼(seyyathāpi) 🚹⓪⨀(mahārāja) 🚹②⨂(majjha) 🚹②⨂(siṅghāṭaka) 🚹①⨀(pāsāda)
Just like | o great king | middle of | crossroads | palace
🔼(tattha) 🚹①⨀(cakkhumant) 🚹①⨀(purisa) 🚹①⨀(ṭhita) ⏯🤟⨀(passati) 🚹②⨂(manussa) 🚻②⨀(geha) 🚹②⨂(pavisanta) 🔼(pi) 🔵▶️🤟⨂(nikkhamati) 🔼(pi) 🚺⑦⨀(rathikā) 🔼(pi) 🚺②⨀(vīthi) 🔵▶️🤟⨂(sañcarati) 🚹②⨂(majjha) 🚻②⨂(siṅghāṭaka) 🚹②⨂(nisinna) 🔼(pi)
In that place | who can see | person | stood still | will see | people | house | entering | too | exiting | too | at main road | too | path | wandering | middle of | crossroads | seated | too
🚹⑥⨀(ta) 🔼(evamassa) :
Of that | he would think thus :
🚹①⨂(eta) 🚹①⨂(manussa) 🚻②⨀(geha)
These | people | house | enter
🚹①⨂(eta) ▶️🤟⨂(nikkhamati)
These exit
🚹①⨂(eta) 🚺⑦⨀(rathikā) 🚺②⨀(vīthi) ▶️🤟⨂(sañcarati)
These | at main road | path | wander
🚹①⨂(eta) 🚹②⨂(majjha) 🚻②⨂(siṅghāṭaka) ①⨂(nisinna) 🔼(ti)
These | middle of | crossroads | seated | quote
(O great king, just like a palace in the middle of a crossroad. In that place, a person who is able to see, standing still, will see people entering a house, exiting, wandering along a path on the main road, seated in the middle of the crossroad. Of that, he would think thus): “These people enter a house, (exit, wander along a path on the main road, seated in the middle of the crossroad).”
- niggahīto ‘si (D III 117,13-14)
DN 29 1.5:
“na tvaṁ imaṁ dhammavinayaṁ ājānāsi, ahaṁ imaṁ dhammavinayaṁ ājānāmi, kiṁ tvaṁ imaṁ dhammavinayaṁ ājānissasi? Micchāpaṭipanno tvamasi, ahamasmi sammāpaṭipanno. Sahitaṁ me, asahitaṁ te. Purevacanīyaṁ pacchā avaca, pacchāvacanīyaṁ pure avaca. Adhiciṇṇaṁ te viparāvattaṁ, āropito te vādo, niggahito tvamasi, cara vādappamokkhāya, nibbeṭhehi vā sace pahosī”ti.
🚻①⨀(adhiciṇṇa) 🤘③⨀(tvaṃ) 🚻①⨀(viparāvatta) 🚹①⨀(āropita) 🤘③⨀(tvaṃ) 🚹①⨀(vāda) 🚹①⨀(niggahita) 🤘①⨀(tvaṃ) ▶️🤘⨀(atthi) ⏹🤘⨀(carati) 🚹④⨀(vādappamokkha) ⏹🤘⨀(nibbeṭheti) 🔼(vā) 🔼(sace) ▶️🤘⨀(pahoti) 🔼(ti)
What one has prepared | by you | refuted | debunked | by you | statement | disproved | you | is , wandered | saving an argument , you must wriggle | or | if | you are able | quote
“(What has been prepared by you is refuted, statement by you is debunked), you are disproved, (you must wander around to save the argument, or wriggle, if you are able).”
- kilanto ‘smi (D II 128,18)
DN 16 4.39.3:
“iṅgha me tvaṁ, cundaka, catugguṇaṁ saṅghāṭiṁ paññapehi, kilantosmi, cundaka, nipajjissāmī”ti.
🔼(iṅgha) 👆④⨀(ahaṃ) 🤘①⨀(tvaṃ) 🚹⓪⨀(cundaka) 🚺②⨀(catugguṇa) 🚺②⨀(saṅghāṭi) ⏹🤘⨀(paññapeti) 🚹①⨀(kilanta) ▶️👆⨀(atthi) 🚹⓪⨀(cundaka) ⏭👆⨀(nipajjati) 🔼(ti)
Please | by me | you | Cundaka | folded in four | outer robe | you prepare | tired | I am | Cundaka | I will rest | quote
“(Please, Cundaka, prepare to fold my outer robe in four for me). I am tired, (Cundaka, I will rest).”
- dānaṃ detha (D II 357,15)
DN 23 33.14:
“sakkaccaṁ dānaṁ detha, sahatthā dānaṁ detha, cittīkataṁ dānaṁ detha, anapaviddhaṁ dānaṁ detha.
🔼(sakkaccaṃ) 🚹①⨂(da) ⏹🤘⨂(deti) , 🚹③⨀(sahattha) … 🚻①⨀(cittīkata) … 🚻①⨀(anapaviddha) …
Respectfully | offering | you please give , with your own hand … thoughtfully … without throwing
Please give offering (respectfully, with your own hand, thoughtfully, without throwing).
Translate into Pali
They experience happiness (Cf. D I 75,7-8)
sukhaṃ paṭisaṃvedenti.The doctrine has been declared by me (D II 154,6)
mayā dhammo paññatto.The wanderer is (hoti) contented (Cf. D I 71,3)
paribbājako santuṭṭho hoti.Death (is) misery (D II 305,3)
maraṇaṃ dukkhaṃ.I have heard this (D I 128,29)
sutaṃ (kho pana) me taṃ.I did the work (D III 257,1-2)
ahaṃ (kho) kammaṃ akāsiṃ.He gives a donation (D III 258,10)
dānaṃ deti.The body (is) tired (D III 255,16)
kāyo kilanto.