1.4 𑀘𑀢𑀼𑀢𑁆𑀣𑀓𑀡𑁆𑀟 (Catutthakaṇḍa) - Niggahita Sandhi
(when a niggahita is joined to another letter).Categories:
30 [R58] “aṃ” before consonant (remains) niggahita
𑀅𑀁𑀩𑁆𑀬𑀜𑁆𑀚𑀦𑁂 𑀦𑀺𑀕𑁆𑀕𑀳𑀺𑀢𑀁 (aṃbyañjane niggahitaṃ
block-beta columns 8 space aṃ space:2 niggahitaṃ byañjane space space space block:operation:4 columns 4 Before("niggahita") class Before pre space:2 After("(niggahita)") class After post Before--"pakati"-->After end Next["byañjana"] class Next context space space class arrow operation classDef context fill:#D2C4D6,stroke:#615F5F classDef context0 fill:#D2C4D6,stroke:#A49E9E,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef operation fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F classDef operation0 fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef pre fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F classDef pre0 fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef post fill:#3CADD4,stroke:#615F5F classDef post0 fill:#3CADD4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef mod1 fill:#EADA4F,stroke:#615F5F classDef mod10 fill:#EADA4F,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef mod2 fill:#F7CACA,stroke:#615F5F classDef mod20 fill:#F7CACA,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3
Niggahita before other consonant remains as “aṃ”.
Niggahitaṃ kho byañjane pare aṃ iti hoti.
𑀦𑀺𑀕𑁆𑀕𑀳𑀺𑀢𑀁 𑀔𑁄 𑀩𑁆𑀬𑀜𑁆𑀚𑀦𑁂 𑀧𑀭𑁂 𑀅𑀁 𑀇𑀢𑀺 𑀳𑁄𑀢𑀺𑁇
निग्गहितं खो ब्यञ्जने परे अं इति होति।
evaṃ vutte
🔼(evaṃ) 🚹⑦⨀(vutta)
thus | said
evaṃ + vutte
(no sandhi)
taṃ sādhūti paṭissuṇitvā
🚻①⨀(ta) 🚹①⨀(sādhu) 🔼(iti) 🔼(paṭissuṇitvā)
that | auspicious | like this | having agreed
taṃ + sādhūti
(no sandhi)
31 [R49] Optionally, (niggahita changes to) end consonant in group, before (consonant in that) group
𑀯𑀕𑁆𑀕𑀦𑁆𑀢𑀁 𑀯𑀸 𑀯𑀕𑁆𑀕𑁂 (vaggantaṃ vā vagge
block-beta columns 8 space space space:2 vaggantaṃ vagge vā space space block:operation:4 columns 4 Before("niggahita") class Before pre0 space:2 After("vaggantaṃ") class After post Before--"ādesa"-->After end Next["vagga"] class Next context Marker[/"vā"\] class Marker mod1 space class arrow operation classDef context fill:#D2C4D6,stroke:#615F5F classDef context0 fill:#D2C4D6,stroke:#A49E9E,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef operation fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F classDef operation0 fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef pre fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F classDef pre0 fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef post fill:#3CADD4,stroke:#615F5F classDef post0 fill:#3CADD4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef mod1 fill:#EADA4F,stroke:#615F5F classDef mod10 fill:#EADA4F,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef mod2 fill:#F7CACA,stroke:#615F5F classDef mod20 fill:#F7CACA,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3
Following a consonant existing in a group, the niggahita becomes the end consonant in that group.
Vaggabhūte byañjane pare niggahitaṃ kho vaggantaṃ vā pappoti.
𑀯𑀕𑁆𑀕𑀪𑀽𑀢𑁂 𑀩𑁆𑀬𑀜𑁆𑀚𑀦𑁂 𑀧𑀭𑁂 𑀦𑀺𑀕𑁆𑀕𑀳𑀺𑀢𑀁 𑀔𑁄 𑀯𑀕𑁆𑀕𑀦𑁆𑀢𑀁 𑀯𑀸 𑀧𑀧𑁆𑀧𑁄𑀢𑀺𑁇
वग्गभूते ब्यञ्जने परे निग्गहितं खो वग्गन्तं वा पप्पोति।
🚻①⨀(ta) 🔼(ni) 🚻①⨀(cuta)
that | out | died
taṃ + ni + cutaṃ
→ (ta + ṃ) + (n + i) + (c + u) + taṃ (rule 10)
→ ta + (ṃ→n + n) + i + c + u + taṃ (rule 31)
→ ta + n + n + i + (c→cc + u) + taṃ (rule 28)
→ (ta + n) + (n + i) + (cc + u) + taṃ (rule 11)
→ tanniccutaṃ
n is the last consonant in the group starting with “t” (ta tha da dha na)
dhammañcare sucaritaṃ
🚻①⨀(dhamma) 🔵▶️👆⨀(carati) 🚻①⨀(sucarita)
dhamma | I practice | moral
dhammaṃ + care
→ dham + (ma + ṃ) + (c + a) + re (rule 10)
→ dham + ma + (ṃ→ñ + c) + a + re (rule 31)
→ dham + (ma + ñ) + (c + a) + re (rule 11)
→ dhammañcare
ñ is the last consonant in the group starting with “c” (ca cha ja jha ña)
cirappavāsiṃ purisaṃ
🚻①⨀(cirappavāsī) 🚻①⨀(purisa)
who is long absent from home | person
ciraṃ + pavāsīṃ
→ ci + (r + a + ṃ) + (p +a) + vāsīṃ (rule 10)
→ ci + r + a + (ṃ→m + p) + a + vāsīṃ (rule 31)
→ ci + r + a + (m→p + p) + a + vāsīṃ (rule 35)
→ ci + (r + a + p) + (p +a) + vāsīṃ (rule 11)
→ cirappavāsiṃ
m is the last consonant in the group starting with “p” (pa pha ba bha ma)
santantassa manaṃ hoti
🚻①⨀(santa) 🚹⑥⨀(ta) 🚻①⨀(mana) ▶️🤟⨀(hoti)
of that calm | having such a mind | is
santaṃ + tassa
→ san + (t + a + ṃ) + (t + a) + ssa (rule 10)
→ san + t + a + (ṃ→n + t) + a + ssa (rule 31)
→ san + (t + a + n) + (t + a) + ssa (rule 11)
→ santantassa
n is the last consonant in the group starting with “t” (ta tha da dha na)
🚻①⨀(ta) 🚻①⨀(kāruṇika)
that | compassionate
taṃ + kāruṇikaṃ
→ (ta + ṃ) + (k + ā) + ruṇikaṃ (rule 10)
→ (ta + (ṃ→ṅ + k) + ā + ruṇikaṃ (rule 31)
→ (ta + ṅ) + (k + ā) + ruṇikaṃ (rule 11)
→ taṅkāruṇikaṃ
ṅ is the last consonant in the group starting with “k” (ka kha ga gha ṅa)
evaṅkho bhikkhave sikkhitabbaṃ
🔼(evaṃ kho) 🚹⓪⨂(bhikkhu) 🚻①⨀(sikkhitabba)
thus | indeed | bhikkhave | should be learned
evaṃ + kho
→ e + (v + a + ṃ) + (kh + o) (rule 10)
→ e + v + a + (ṃ→ṅ + kh) + o (rule 31)
→ e + (v + a + ṅ) + (kh + o) (rule 11)
→ evaṅkho
ṅ is the last consonant in the group starting with “k” (ka kha ga gha ṅa)
block-beta columns 8 space block:operation:4 columns 4 Before("niggahita") class Before pre0 space:2 After("l") class After post Before--"ādesa"-->After end Next["vagga"] class Next context0 Marker[/"vā"\] class Marker mod10 space class arrow operation classDef context fill:#D2C4D6,stroke:#615F5F classDef context0 fill:#D2C4D6,stroke:#A49E9E,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef operation fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F classDef operation0 fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef pre fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F classDef pre0 fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef post fill:#3CADD4,stroke:#615F5F classDef post0 fill:#3CADD4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef mod1 fill:#EADA4F,stroke:#615F5F classDef mod10 fill:#EADA4F,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef mod2 fill:#F7CACA,stroke:#615F5F classDef mod20 fill:#F7CACA,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3
By not taking this optional rule, the niggahita is replaced with the letter “l”.
Vāggahaṇenaniggahitaṃ kho lakārādeso hoti.
𑀯𑀸𑀕𑁆𑀕𑀳𑀡𑁂𑀦𑀦𑀺𑀕𑁆𑀕𑀳𑀺𑀢𑀁 𑀔𑁄 𑀮𑀓𑀸𑀭𑀸𑀤𑁂𑀲𑁄 𑀳𑁄𑀢𑀺𑁇
वाग्गहणेननिग्गहितं खो लकारादेसो होति।
masculine gender
puṃ + liṅgaṃ
→ (p +u +ṃ) + (l + i) + ṅgaṃ (rule 10)
→ p +u +(ṃ→l + l) + i + ṅgaṃ (rule 31)
→ (p +u +l) + (l + i) + ṅgaṃ (rule 11)
→ pulliṅgaṃ
na taṃ kammaṃ kataṃ sādhu
🔼(na) 🚻①⨀(ta) 🚻①⨀(kamma) 🚻①⨀(kata) 🚹①⨀(sādhu)
no | that | karma | completed | excellent
(no sandhi)
32 [R50] (Optionally, niggahita followed by) “e” or “h” (becomes) “ñ”
𑀏𑀳𑁂 𑀜𑀁 (ehe ñaṃ
block-beta columns 8 space space space:2 ñaṃ ehe space space space block:operation:4 columns 4 Before("niggahita") class Before pre0 space:2 After("ñ") class After post Before--"ādesa"-->After end Next["e, h"] class Next context Marker[/"vā"\] class Marker mod10 space class arrow operation classDef context fill:#D2C4D6,stroke:#615F5F classDef context0 fill:#D2C4D6,stroke:#A49E9E,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef operation fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F classDef operation0 fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef pre fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F classDef pre0 fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef post fill:#3CADD4,stroke:#615F5F classDef post0 fill:#3CADD4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef mod1 fill:#EADA4F,stroke:#615F5F classDef mod10 fill:#EADA4F,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef mod2 fill:#F7CACA,stroke:#615F5F classDef mod20 fill:#F7CACA,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3
Optionally, the niggahita, followed by “e” or “h”, becomes “ñ”.
Ekārahakāre pare niggahitaṃ kho ñakāraṃ pappoti vā.
𑀏𑀓𑀸𑀭𑀳𑀓𑀸𑀭𑁂 𑀧𑀭𑁂 𑀦𑀺𑀕𑁆𑀕𑀳𑀺𑀢𑀁 𑀔𑁄 𑀜𑀓𑀸𑀭𑀁 𑀧𑀧𑁆𑀧𑁄𑀢𑀺 𑀯𑀸𑁇
एकारहकारे परे निग्गहितं खो ञकारं पप्पोति वा।
paccattaññeva parinibbāyissāmi
🚻①⨀(paccatta) 🔼(eva) ⏭👆⨀(parinibbāyati)
individual | just | completely quenched
paccattaṃ + eva
→ paccat + (t + a + ṃ) + (e) + va (rule 10)
→ paccat + t + a + (ṃ→ñ + e) + va (rule 32)
→ paccat + t + (a + ñ→ññ) + e + va (rule 28)
→ paccat + (t + a + ñ) + (ñ + e) + va (rule 11)
→ paccattaññeva
taññevettha paṭipucchissāmi
🚻①⨀(ta) 🔼(eva) 🔼(ettha) ⏭👆⨀(paṭipucchati)
that just | here | asks about
taṃ + eva + ettha
→ (t + a + ṃ) + (e) + (v + a) + (e) + ttha (rule 10)
→ t + a + (ṃ→ñ + e) + v + a + e + ttha (rule 32)
→ t + (a + ñ→ññ) + e + v + a + e + ttha (rule 28)
→ t + a + ñ + ñ + e + v + (a + e) + ttha (rule 12)
→ (t + a + ñ) + (ñ + e) + (v + e) + ttha (rule 11)
→ taññevettha
evañhi vo bhikkhave sikkhitabbaṃ
🔼(evaṃ hi vo) 🚹⓪⨂(bhikkhu) 🚻①⨀(sikkhitabba)
thus | certainly | surely | bhikkhave | should be practised
evaṃ + hi
→ e + (v + a + ṃ) + (h + i) (rule 10)
→ e + v + a + (ṃ→ñ + h) + i (rule 32)
→ e + (v + a + ñ) + (h + i) (rule 11)
→ evañhi
tañhi tassa musā hoti
🚻①⨀(ta) 🔼(hi) 🚹⑥⨀(ta) 🔼(musā) ▶️🤟⨀(hoti)
that | surely | of that | lie | is
taṃ + hi
→ (t + a + ṃ) + (h + i) (rule 10)
→ t + a + (ṃ→ñ + h) + i (rule 32)
→ (t + a + ñ) + (h + i) (rule 10)
→ tañhi
evametaṃ abhiññāya
🔼(evaṃ) 🚻①⨀(eta) 🚺③⨀(abhiñña)
thus | this | with direct knowledge
evaṃ + etaṃ
→ e + (v + a + ṃ) + (e) + taṃ (rule 10)
→ e + v + a + (ṃ→m + e) + taṃ (rule 34)
→ e + (v + a + m) + (e) + taṃ (rule 11)
→ evametaṃ
evaṃ hoti subhāsitaṃ
🔼(evaṃ) ▶️🤟⨀(hoti) 🚻①⨀(subhāsita)
thus | is | well spoken
(no sandhi)
33 [R50] (Optionally, niggahita) and “y” (becomes “ñ”)
𑀲𑀬𑁂 𑀘 (saye ca
block-beta columns 8 space sayeca space:2 space space space space space block:operation:4 columns 4 Before("niggahita & y") class Before pre space:2 After("ñ") class After post Before--"ādesa"-->After end space Marker[/"vā"\] class Marker mod10 space class arrow operation classDef context fill:#D2C4D6,stroke:#615F5F classDef context0 fill:#D2C4D6,stroke:#A49E9E,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef operation fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F classDef operation0 fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef pre fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F classDef pre0 fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef post fill:#3CADD4,stroke:#615F5F classDef post0 fill:#3CADD4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef mod1 fill:#EADA4F,stroke:#615F5F classDef mod10 fill:#EADA4F,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef mod2 fill:#F7CACA,stroke:#615F5F classDef mod20 fill:#F7CACA,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3
Optionally, the niggahita, followed by “y”, together with “y” becomes “ñ”.
Niggahitaṃ kho yakāre pare saha yakārena ñakāraṃ pappoti vā.
𑀦𑀺𑀕𑁆𑀕𑀳𑀺𑀢𑀁 𑀔𑁄 𑀬𑀓𑀸𑀭𑁂 𑀧𑀭𑁂 𑀲𑀳 𑀬𑀓𑀸𑀭𑁂𑀦 𑀜𑀓𑀸𑀭𑀁 𑀧𑀧𑁆𑀧𑁄𑀢𑀺 𑀯𑀸𑁇
निग्गहितं खो यकारे परे सह यकारेन ञकारं पप्पोति वा।
saṃ + yogo
→ (s + a + ṃ) + (y + o) + go (rule 10)
→ s + a + (ṃ + y)→ñ + o + go (rule 33)
→ s + (a + ñ→ññ) + o + go (rule 28)
→ (s + a + ñ) + (ñ + o) + go (rule 11)
→ saññogo
saṃ + yuttaṃ
→ (s + a +ṃ) + (y + u) + ttaṃ (rule 10)
→ s + a + (ṃ + y)→ñ + u + ttaṃ (rule 33)
→ s + (a + ñ→ññ) + u + ttaṃ (rule 28)
→ (s + a +ñ) + (ñ + u) + ttaṃ (rule 11)
→ saññuttaṃ
(no sandhi)
(no sandhi)
34 [R52] (Optionally, niggahita) before vowel (becomes) “m” or “d”
𑀫𑀤𑀸 𑀲𑀭𑁂 (madā sare
block-beta columns 8 space space space:2 madā sare space space space block:operation:4 columns 4 Before("niggahita") class Before pre space:2 After("m,d") class After post Before--"ādesa"-->After end Next["sara"] class Next context Marker[/"vā"\] class Marker mod10 space class arrow operation classDef context fill:#D2C4D6,stroke:#615F5F classDef context0 fill:#D2C4D6,stroke:#A49E9E,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef operation fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F classDef operation0 fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef pre fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F classDef pre0 fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef post fill:#3CADD4,stroke:#615F5F classDef post0 fill:#3CADD4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef mod1 fill:#EADA4F,stroke:#615F5F classDef mod10 fill:#EADA4F,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef mod2 fill:#F7CACA,stroke:#615F5F classDef mod20 fill:#F7CACA,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3
Optionally, the niggahita before a vowel is replaed with “m” or “d”.
Niggahitassa kho sare pare makāradakārādesā honti vā.
𑀦𑀺𑀕𑁆𑀕𑀳𑀺𑀢𑀲𑁆𑀲 𑀔𑁄 𑀲𑀭𑁂 𑀧𑀭𑁂 𑀫𑀓𑀸𑀭𑀤𑀓𑀸𑀭𑀸𑀤𑁂𑀲𑀸 𑀳𑁄𑀦𑁆𑀢𑀺 𑀯𑀸𑁇
निग्गहितस्स खो सरे परे मकारदकारादेसा होन्ति वा।
tamahaṃ brūmi brāhmaṇaṃ
🚻①⨀(ta) 👆①⨀(ahaṃ) ▶️👆⨀(brūti) 🚹②⨀(brāhmaṇa)
that | I | call | brahman
taṃ + ahaṃ
→ (t + a + ṃ) + (a) + haṃ (rule 10)
→ t + a + (ṃ→m + a) + haṃ (rule 34)
→ (t + a + m) + (a) + haṃ (rule 10)
→ tamahaṃ
etadavoca satthā
🔼(etaṃ) 🔵⏮🤟⨀(avoca) 🚹①⨂(sattha)
thus | said | master
etaṃ + avoca
→ e + (t + a +ṃ) + (a) + voca (rule 10)
→ e + t + a + (ṃ→d + a) + voca (rule 34)
→ e + (t + a +d) + (a) + voca (rule 11)
→ etadavoca
akkocchi maṃ avadhi maṃ
⏮🤟⨀(akkocchi) 👆②⨀(ahaṃ) ⏮🤟⨀(avadhi) 👆②⨀(ahaṃ)
verbally abused | me | beat | me
(no sandhi)
ajini maṃ ahāsi me
⏮🤟⨀(ajini) 👆②⨀(ahaṃ) ⏮🤟⨀(ahāsi) 👆⑥⨀(ahaṃ)
robbed | me | stole | me
(no sandhi)
35 [R34] (Optionally) “y”, “v”, “m”, “d”, “n”, “t”, “r” or “l” inserted (before vowel)
𑀬 𑀯 𑀫 𑀤 𑀦 𑀢 𑀭 𑀮𑀸 𑀘𑀸𑀕𑀫𑀸 (ya va ma da na ta ra lā cāgamā
block-beta columns 8 space space cāgamā:2 x1["ya va ma da na ta ra lā"] space space space space block:operation:4 columns 4 Before("niggahita") class Before pre0 space:2 After("y, v, m, d, n, t, r, l") class After post Before--"āgamā"-->After end Next["sara"] class Next context0 Marker[/"vā"\] class Marker mod10 space class arrow operation classDef context fill:#D2C4D6,stroke:#615F5F classDef context0 fill:#D2C4D6,stroke:#A49E9E,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef operation fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F classDef operation0 fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef pre fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F classDef pre0 fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef post fill:#3CADD4,stroke:#615F5F classDef post0 fill:#3CADD4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef mod1 fill:#EADA4F,stroke:#615F5F classDef mod10 fill:#EADA4F,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef mod2 fill:#F7CACA,stroke:#615F5F classDef mod20 fill:#F7CACA,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3
Optionally, “y”, “v”, “m”, “d”, “n”, “t”, “r”, “ḷ” are inserted before a vowel.
Sare pare yakāro vakāro makāro dakāro nakāro takāro rakāro lakāro ime āgamā honti vā.
𑀲𑀭𑁂 𑀧𑀭𑁂 𑀬𑀓𑀸𑀭𑁄 𑀯𑀓𑀸𑀭𑁄 𑀫𑀓𑀸𑀭𑁄 𑀤𑀓𑀸𑀭𑁄 𑀦𑀓𑀸𑀭𑁄 𑀢𑀓𑀸𑀭𑁄 𑀭𑀓𑀸𑀭𑁄 𑀮𑀓𑀸𑀭𑁄 𑀇𑀫𑁂 𑀆𑀕𑀫𑀸 𑀳𑁄𑀦𑁆𑀢𑀺 𑀯𑀸𑁇
सरे परे यकारो वकारो मकारो दकारो नकारो तकारो रकारो लकारो इमे आगमा होन्ति वा।
nayimassa vijjā
🔼(na) 🚹⑥⨀(ima) 🚺①⨀(vijjā)
no | of this | knowledge
na + imassa
→ na + (y) + imassa (rule 35)
→ nayimassa
yathayidaṃ cittaṃ
⏹🤘⨂(yāti) 🔼(idaṃ) 🚻①⨀(citta)
travel | this | mind | mind
yatha + idaṃ
→ yatha + (y) + idaṃ (rule 35)
→ yathayidaṃ
migī bhantā vudikkhati
🚺①⨀(migī) 🚺①⨀(bhanta) ▶️🤟⨀(udikkhati)
doe | swerving | perceive
bhantā + udikkhati
→ bhantā + (v) + udikkhati (rule 35)
→ bhantāvudikkhati
sittā te lahu messati
🚺①⨀(sitta) 🤘③⨀(tvaṃ) 🚺①⨀(lahu) ⏭🤟⨀(eti)
emptied | by you | fast | becomes
lahu + essati
→ lahu + (m) + essati (rule 35)
→ lahumessati
asittā te garu messati
🚺①⨀(asitta) 🤘③⨀(tvaṃ) 🚺①⨀(garu) ⏭🤟⨀(eti)
nonemptied | by you | heavy | becomes
garu + essati
→ garu + (m) + essati (rule 35)
→ garumessati
asso bhadro kasāmiva
🚹①⨀(assa) 🚹①⨀(bhadra) 🚹⓪⨀(kasanta) 🔼(iva)
horse | fortunate | ploughing | like
kasā + iva
→ kasā + (m) + iva (rule 35)
→ kasāmiva
sammadaññā vimuttānaṃ
🚺①⨀(sammadaññā) 🚹⑥⨂(vimutta)
complete understanding | of liberation
sammā + aññā
→ sammā + (d) + aññā (rule 35)
→ sammadaññā
manasādaññā vimuttānaṃ
🚹③⨀(manas) 🚹③⨀(añña) 🚹⑥⨂(vimutta)
with mind | awakening | of liberation
manasā + aññā
→ manasā + (d) + aññā (rule 35)
→ manasādaññā
🚹⓪⨀(attadattha) 🚺③⨀(abhiñña)
one own’s benefit | with direct knowledge
attadattha + abhiññāya
→ attadattha + (m) + abhiññāya (rule 35)
→ attadatthamabhiññāya
🚻①⨀(cira) 🚻①⨀(āyati)
long time | future
ciraṃ + āyati
→ ciraṃ + (n) + āyati (rule 35)
→ ciraṃnāyati
ito nāyati
🚹①⨀(ita) 🚺①⨀(āyati)
from now | future
ito + āyati
→ ito + (n) + āyati (rule 35)
→ itonāyati
yasmātiha bhikkhave
🚹⑤⨀(ya) 🔼(iha) 🚹⓪⨂(bhikkhu)
from what | here | bhikkhave
yasmā + iha
→ yasmā + (t) + iha (rule 35)
→ yasmātiha
tasmātiha bhikkhave
🚹⑤⨀(ta) 🔼(iha) 🚹⓪⨂(bhikkhu)
from that | here | bhikkhave
tasmā + iha
→ tasmā + (t) + iha (rule 35)
→ tasmātiha
ajjatagge pāṇupetaṃ
🔼(ajjatagge) 🚹②⨀(pāṇupeta)
from today onwards | until death
ajja + agga + e
→ ajja + (t) + agga + e (rule 35)
→ ajjatagge
āraggeriva sāsapo
🚻⑦⨀(āragga) 🔼(iva) 🚹①⨀(sāsapa)
in pin point | like | mustard seed
āragge + iva
→ āragge + (r) + iva (rule 35)
→ āraggeriva
sāsaporiva āraggā
🚹①⨀(sāsapa) 🔼(iva) 🚻③⨀(āragga)
mustard seed | like | with pin-point
sāsapo + iva
→ sāsapo + (r) + iva (rule 35)
→ sāsaporiva
having six higher knowledges
cha + abhiññā
→ cha + (ḷ) + abhiññā (rule 35)
→ chaḷabhiññā
six sense fields
sa + āyatana
→ sa + (ḷ) + āyatana (rule 35)
→ saḷāyatanaṃ
evaṃ mahiddhiyā esā
🔼(evaṃ) 🚺①⨀(maha) 🚺③⨀(iddhi) 🚺①⨀(eta)
thus | great | with psychic power | this
mahā + iddhiyā
→ ma + (h + ā) + (i) + ddhiyā (rule 10)
→ ma + h + (ā + i) + ddhiyā (rule 12)
→ ma + (h + i) + ddhiyā (rule 11)
→ mahiddhiyā
akkocchi maṃ avadhi maṃ
⏮🤟⨀(akkocchi) 👆②⨀(ahaṃ) ⏮🤟⨀(avadhi) 👆②⨀(ahaṃ)
verbally abused | me | beat | me
(no sandhi)
ajini maṃ ahāsi me
⏮🤟⨀(ajini) 👆②⨀(ahaṃ) ⏮🤟⨀(ahāsi) 👆⑥⨀(ahaṃ)
robbed | me | stole | me
(no sandhi)
ajeyyo anugāmiko
🚹①⨀(ajeyya) 🚹①⨀(anugāmika)
invincible | follower
(no sandhi)
block-beta columns 8 space block:operation:4 columns 4 Before("m") class Before pre space:2 After("p") class After post Before--"ādeso"-->After end space Marker[/"vā"\] class Marker mod10 space class arrow operation classDef context fill:#D2C4D6,stroke:#615F5F classDef context0 fill:#D2C4D6,stroke:#A49E9E,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef operation fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F classDef operation0 fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef pre fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F classDef pre0 fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef post fill:#3CADD4,stroke:#615F5F classDef post0 fill:#3CADD4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef mod1 fill:#EADA4F,stroke:#615F5F classDef mod10 fill:#EADA4F,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef mod2 fill:#F7CACA,stroke:#615F5F classDef mod20 fill:#F7CACA,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3
By using the word “ca” in this rule, “m” becomes “p”.
Caggahaṇena idheva makārassa pakāro hoti.
𑀘𑀕𑁆𑀕𑀳𑀡𑁂𑀦 𑀇𑀥𑁂𑀯 𑀫𑀓𑀸𑀭𑀲𑁆𑀲 𑀧𑀓𑀸𑀭𑁄 𑀳𑁄𑀢𑀺𑁇
चग्गहणेन इधेव मकारस्स पकारो होति।
cirappavāsiṃ purisaṃ
🚻①⨀(cirappavāsī) 🚻①⨀(purisa)
who is long absent from home | person
ciraṃ + pavāsīṃ
→ ci + (r + a + ṃ) + (p +a) + vāsīṃ (rule 10)
→ ci + r + a + (ṃ→m + p) + a + vāsīṃ (rule 31)
→ ci + r + a + (m→p + p) + a + vāsīṃ (rule 35)
→ ci + (r + a + p) + (p +a) + vāsīṃ (rule 11)
→ cirappavāsiṃ
block-beta columns 8 space block:operation:4 columns 4 Before("k") class Before pre space:2 After("d") class After post Before--"ādeso"-->After end space Marker[/"vā"\] class Marker mod10 space class arrow operation classDef context fill:#D2C4D6,stroke:#615F5F classDef context0 fill:#D2C4D6,stroke:#A49E9E,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef operation fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F classDef operation0 fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef pre fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F classDef pre0 fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef post fill:#3CADD4,stroke:#615F5F classDef post0 fill:#3CADD4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef mod1 fill:#EADA4F,stroke:#615F5F classDef mod10 fill:#EADA4F,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef mod2 fill:#F7CACA,stroke:#615F5F classDef mod20 fill:#F7CACA,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3
(Similarly,) “k” becomes “d”.
Kakārassa ca dakāro hoti.
𑀓𑀓𑀸𑀭𑀲𑁆𑀲 𑀘 𑀤𑀓𑀸𑀭𑁄 𑀳𑁄𑀢𑀺𑁇
ककारस्स च दकारो होति।
sadatthapasuto siyā
🚹①⨀(sadatthapasuta) ⏯🤟⨀(siyā)
intent on one’s own benefit | will be
sa + kattha + pasuto
→ sa + (k→d) attha + pasuto (rule 35)
→ sadatthapasuto
block-beta columns 8 space block:operation:4 columns 4 Before("d") class Before pre space:2 After("t") class After post Before--"ādeso"-->After end space Marker[/"vā"\] class Marker mod10 space class arrow operation classDef context fill:#D2C4D6,stroke:#615F5F classDef context0 fill:#D2C4D6,stroke:#A49E9E,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef operation fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F classDef operation0 fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef pre fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F classDef pre0 fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef post fill:#3CADD4,stroke:#615F5F classDef post0 fill:#3CADD4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef mod1 fill:#EADA4F,stroke:#615F5F classDef mod10 fill:#EADA4F,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef mod2 fill:#F7CACA,stroke:#615F5F classDef mod20 fill:#F7CACA,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3
(Similarly,) “d” becomes “t”.
Dakārassa ca takāro hoti.
𑀤𑀓𑀸𑀭𑀲𑁆𑀲 𑀘 𑀢𑀓𑀸𑀭𑁄 𑀳𑁄𑀢𑀺𑁇
दकारस्स च तकारो होति।
well gone
→ suga + (d + o) (rule 35)
→ sugato
36 [R47] Occasionally, (insertion of) “o” before consonant
𑀓𑁆𑀯𑀘𑀺 𑀑 𑀩𑁆𑀬𑀜𑁆𑀚𑀦𑁂 (kvaci o byañjane
block-beta columns 8 space space space:2 o byañjane kvaci space space block:operation:4 columns 4 Before("d") class Before pre0 space:2 After("o") class After post Before--"ādesa"-->After end Next["byañjana"] class Next context Marker[/"kvaci"\] class Marker mod1 space class arrow operation classDef context fill:#D2C4D6,stroke:#615F5F classDef context0 fill:#D2C4D6,stroke:#A49E9E,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef operation fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F classDef operation0 fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef pre fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F classDef pre0 fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef post fill:#3CADD4,stroke:#615F5F classDef post0 fill:#3CADD4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef mod1 fill:#EADA4F,stroke:#615F5F classDef mod10 fill:#EADA4F,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef mod2 fill:#F7CACA,stroke:#615F5F classDef mod20 fill:#F7CACA,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3
Occasionally, there is insertion of “o” before consonant.
Byañjane pare kvaci okārāgamo hoti.
𑀩𑁆𑀬𑀜𑁆𑀚𑀦𑁂 𑀧𑀭𑁂 𑀓𑁆𑀯𑀘𑀺 𑀑𑀓𑀸𑀭𑀸𑀕𑀫𑁄 𑀳𑁄𑀢𑀺𑁇
ब्यञ्जने परे क्वचि ओकारागमो होति।
atippago kho tāva sāvatthiyaṃ piṇḍāya carituṃ
🔼(atippago kho) 🔼(tāva) 🚺⑦⨀(sāvatthī) 🚹④⨀(piṇḍa) 🔼(carituṃ)
too early to | indeed | as far as | at Sāvatthī | for alms | walk
atippago + kho???
Note: this appears to be an invalid example as it is assuming the joining of atippag(a) + kho, using application on this rule and rule 12, however atippaga is not found in the dictionary but atippago is found in the Tipiṭaka.
more than 1000
para + sahassaṃ
→ pa + (r + a) + (s + a) + hassaṃ (rule 10)
→ pa + r + a + (o) + s + a + hassaṃ (rule 36)
→ pa + r + (a + o) + s + a + hassaṃ (rule 12)
→ pa + (r + o) + (s + a) + hassaṃ (rule 11)
→ parosahassaṃ
etha passathimaṃ lokaṃ
▶️🤘⨂(eti) ⏹🤘⨂(passati) 🚻①⨀(ima) 🚹②⨀(loka)
come you all | must lok | this | world
passatha + imaṃ
→ passa + (th + a) + (i) + maṃ (rule 10)
→ passa + th + (a + i) + maṃ (rule 12)
→ passa + (th + i) + maṃ (rule 11)
→ passathimaṃ
andhabhūto ayaṃ loko
🚹①⨀(andhabhūta) 🚹①⨀(ima) 🚹①⨀(loka)
blind | this | world
andha + bhūto
(no sandhi)
37 [R57] And niggahita (is occasionally inserted before consonant)
𑀦𑀺𑀕𑁆𑀕𑀳𑀺𑀢𑀜𑁆𑀘 (niggahitañca
block-beta columns 8 space space space:2 niggahitañca space vā space space block:operation:4 columns 4 Before(" ") class Before pre space:2 After("niggahitaṃ") class After post Before--"ādesa"-->After end Next["byañjana"] class Next context0 Marker[/"kvaci"\] class Marker mod10 space class arrow operation classDef context fill:#D2C4D6,stroke:#615F5F classDef context0 fill:#D2C4D6,stroke:#A49E9E,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef operation fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F classDef operation0 fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef pre fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F classDef pre0 fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef post fill:#3CADD4,stroke:#615F5F classDef post0 fill:#3CADD4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef mod1 fill:#EADA4F,stroke:#615F5F classDef mod10 fill:#EADA4F,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef mod2 fill:#F7CACA,stroke:#615F5F classDef mod20 fill:#F7CACA,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3
Occasionally, a niggahita is inserted before a vowel or consonant.
Niggahitañcāgamo hoti sare vā byañjane vā pare kvaci.
𑀦𑀺𑀕𑁆𑀕𑀳𑀺𑀢𑀜𑁆𑀘𑀸𑀕𑀫𑁄 𑀳𑁄𑀢𑀺 𑀲𑀭𑁂 𑀯𑀸 𑀩𑁆𑀬𑀜𑁆𑀚𑀦𑁂 𑀯𑀸 𑀧𑀭𑁂 𑀓𑁆𑀯𑀘𑀺𑁇
निग्गहितञ्चागमो होति सरे वा ब्यञ्जने वा परे क्वचि।
🚻①⨀(cakkhu) ⏮🤟⨀(udapādi)
eye | arose
cakkhu + udapādi
→ cakkhu + (ṃ) + udapādi (rule 37)
→ cakkhuṃudapādi
head down
ava + siro
→ ava + (ṃ) + siro (rule 37)
→ avaṃsiro
yāvañcidha bhikkhave purimaṃ jātiṃ sarāmi
🚻①⨀(yāvant) 🔼(ca idha) 🚹⓪⨂(bhikkhu) 🚻①⨀(purima) 🚺①⨀(jāti) ▶️👆⨀(sarati)
as many as | and | here | bhikkhave | past | life | recollect
jāti + sarāmi
→ jāti + (ṃ) + sarāmi (rule 37)
→ jātiṃsarāmi
aṇuṃthūlāni sabbaso
🔼(anu) 🚻①⨂(thūla) 🔼(sabbaso)
after | massive | altogether
aṇu + thūlāni
→ aṇu + (ṃ) + thūlāni (rule 37)
→ aṇuṃthūlāni
manopubbaṅgamā dhammā
🚹③⨀(manopubbaṅgama) 🚹③⨀(dhamma)
led by mind | by nature
mano + pubba + gama
→ mano + pubba + (ṃ) + gama (rule 37)
→ mano + pubba + (ṃ→ṅ + g) + ama (rule 31)
→ mano + pub + (b + a + ṅ) + (g + a) + ma (rule 11)
→ manopubbaṅgamā
idheva naṃ pasaṃsanti
🔼(idheva) 🚻①⨀(ta) ▶️🤟⨂(pasaṃsati)
right here | that | praise
idha + eva
→ i + (dh + a) + (e) + va (rule 10)
→ i + dh + (a + e) + va (rule 12)
→ i + (dh + e) + va (rule 11)
→ idheva
pecca sagge pamodati
🔼(pecca) 🚹⑦⨀(sagga) ▶️🤟⨀(pamodati)
after death | in heaven | is happy with
(no sandhi)
na hi etehi yānehi
🔼(nahi) 🚹③⨂(eta) 🚻③⨂(yāna)
certainly not | by this | by carriage
(no sandhi)
gaccheyya agataṃ disaṃ
⏯🤟⨀(gacchati) 🚹②⨀(agata) 🚹②⨀(disa)
will go | not gone | enemy
(no sandhi)
block-beta columns 8 space block:operation:4 columns 4 Before("vi") class Before pre space:2 After("pa") class After post Before--"ādesa"-->After end Next["byañjana"] class Next context0 Marker[/"ca"\] class Marker mod1 space class arrow operation classDef context fill:#D2C4D6,stroke:#615F5F classDef context0 fill:#D2C4D6,stroke:#A49E9E,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef operation fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F classDef operation0 fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef pre fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F classDef pre0 fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef post fill:#3CADD4,stroke:#615F5F classDef post0 fill:#3CADD4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef mod1 fill:#EADA4F,stroke:#615F5F classDef mod10 fill:#EADA4F,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef mod2 fill:#F7CACA,stroke:#615F5F classDef mod20 fill:#F7CACA,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3
By using the word “ca” in this rule, “vi” becomes “pa”.
Caggahaṇena visaddassa ca pakāro hoti.
𑀘𑀕𑁆𑀕𑀳𑀡𑁂𑀦 𑀯𑀺𑀲𑀤𑁆𑀤𑀲𑁆𑀲 𑀘 𑀧𑀓𑀸𑀭𑁄 𑀳𑁄𑀢𑀺𑁇
चग्गहणेन विसद्दस्स च पकारो होति।
pacessati / vicessati
will understand
vicessati vā.
will understand
38 [R53] Occasionally, elision (of niggahita) before vowel
𑀓𑁆𑀯𑀘𑀺 𑀮𑁄𑀧𑀁 (kvaci lopaṃ
block-beta columns 8 space space lopaṃ:2 space space kvaci space space block:operation:4 columns 4 Before("niggahita") class Before pre space:2 After("~~niggahita~~") class After post Before--"lopaṃ"-->After end Next["sara"] class Next context Marker[/"kvaci"\] class Marker mod1 space class arrow operation classDef context fill:#D2C4D6,stroke:#615F5F classDef context0 fill:#D2C4D6,stroke:#A49E9E,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef operation fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F classDef operation0 fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef pre fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F classDef pre0 fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef post fill:#3CADD4,stroke:#615F5F classDef post0 fill:#3CADD4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef mod1 fill:#EADA4F,stroke:#615F5F classDef mod10 fill:#EADA4F,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef mod2 fill:#F7CACA,stroke:#615F5F classDef mod20 fill:#F7CACA,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3
Occasionally, the niggahita before a vowel is elided.
Niggahitaṃ kho sare pare kvaci lopaṃ pappoti.
𑀦𑀺𑀕𑁆𑀕𑀳𑀺𑀢𑀁 𑀔𑁄 𑀲𑀭𑁂 𑀧𑀭𑁂 𑀓𑁆𑀯𑀘𑀺 𑀮𑁄𑀧𑀁 𑀧𑀧𑁆𑀧𑁄𑀢𑀺𑁇
निग्गहितं खो सरे परे क्वचि लोपं पप्पोति।
tāsāhaṃ santike
🚻⑥⨂(ta) 👆①⨀(ahaṃ) 🚹⑦⨀(santika)
of that | I | near
tāsaṃ + ahaṃ
→ tāsa (ṃ) + ahaṃ (rule 38)
→ tā + (s + a) + (a) + haṃ (rule 10)
→ tā + s + (a + a) + haṃ (rule 12)
→ tā + (s + a) + haṃ (rule 11)
→ tāsāhaṃ
🚹⑥⨂(vidū) 🚻①⨀(agga) 🔼(iti)
of wise men | foremost | and so
vidūnaṃ + aggaṃ + iti
→ vidūna + (ṃ) + aggaṃ + iti (rule 38)
→ vidū + (n + a) + (a) + g + (g + a + ṃ) + (i) + ti (rule 10)
→ vidū + n + (a + a) + g + g + a + ṃ + i + ti (rule 12)
→ vidū + n + a + g + g + a + (ṃ→m + i) + ti (rule 34)
→ vidū + (n + a) + g + (g + a) + (m + i) + ti (rule 11)
→ vidūnaggamiti
ahameva nūna bālo etamatthaṃ viditvāna
🔼(ahameva) 🔼(nūna) 🚹①⨀(bāla) 🔼(etamatthaṃ) 🔼(viditvāna)
I am just | could it be | foolish | this meaning | having known
ahaṃ + eva
→ a + (h + a + ṃ) + (e) + va (rule 10)
→ a + h + a + (ṃ→m + e) + va (rule 34)
→ a + h + a + (m + e) + va (rule 11)
→ ahameva
39 [R54] And (occasionally, elision of niggahita) before consonant
𑀩𑁆𑀬𑀜𑁆𑀚𑀦𑁂𑀘 (byañjaneca
block-beta columns 8 space space space:2 space byañjaneca space space space block:operation:4 columns 4 Before("niggahita") class Before pre0 space:2 After("~~niggahita~~") class After post0 Before--"lopaṃ"-->After end Next["byañjana"] class Next context Marker[/"kvaci"\] class Marker mod10 space class arrow operation classDef context fill:#D2C4D6,stroke:#615F5F classDef context0 fill:#D2C4D6,stroke:#A49E9E,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef operation fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F classDef operation0 fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef pre fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F classDef pre0 fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef post fill:#3CADD4,stroke:#615F5F classDef post0 fill:#3CADD4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef mod1 fill:#EADA4F,stroke:#615F5F classDef mod10 fill:#EADA4F,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef mod2 fill:#F7CACA,stroke:#615F5F classDef mod20 fill:#F7CACA,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3
Occasionally, the niggahita before a consonant is elided.
Niggahitaṃ kho byañjane pare kvaci lopaṃ pappoti.
𑀦𑀺𑀕𑁆𑀕𑀳𑀺𑀢𑀁 𑀔𑁄 𑀩𑁆𑀬𑀜𑁆𑀚𑀦𑁂 𑀧𑀭𑁂 𑀓𑁆𑀯𑀘𑀺 𑀮𑁄𑀧𑀁 𑀧𑀧𑁆𑀧𑁄𑀢𑀺𑁇
निग्गहितं खो ब्यञ्जने परे क्वचि लोपं पप्पोति।
understanding the noble truths
ariyasaccānaṃ + dassana
→ ariyasaccāna + (ṃ) + dassana (rule 39)
→ ariyasaccānadassanaṃ
etaṃ buddhānasāsanaṃ
🚻①⨀(eta) 🚻①⨀(buddhānasāsana)
this | Buddhas’ teaching
buddhānaṃ + sāsana
→ buddhāna + (ṃ) + sāsana (rule 39)
→ buddhānasāsanaṃ
etaṃ maṅgalamuttamaṃ
🚻①⨀(eta) 🚻①⨀(maṅgala) 🚻①⨀(uttama)
this | blessing | best
maṅgalaṃ + uttamaṃ
→ maṅga + (l + a + ṃ) + (u) + ttamaṃ (rule 10)
→ maṅga + l + a + (ṃ→ m + u) + ttamaṃ (rule 34)
→ maṅga + l + a + (m + u) + ttamaṃ (rule 11)
→ maṅgalamuttamaṃ
taṃ vo vadāmi bhaddante
🚻①⨀(ta) 🔼(vo) ▶️👆⨀(vadati) 🚹②⨂(bhaddanta)
that | truly | I say | to venerable
(no sandhi)
40 [R55] Optionally, next vowel (after niggahita is elided)
𑀧𑀭𑁄 𑀯𑀸𑀲𑀭𑁄 (paro vāsaro
block-beta columns 8 space x1["paro vāsaro"] space:2 space space space space Previous["niggahita"] class Previous context block:operation:4 columns 4 Before("sara") class Before pre space:2 After("~~sara~~") class After post Before--"lopaṃ"-->After end space Marker[/"kvaci"\] class Marker mod10 space class arrow operation classDef context fill:#D2C4D6,stroke:#615F5F classDef context0 fill:#D2C4D6,stroke:#A49E9E,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef operation fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F classDef operation0 fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef pre fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F classDef pre0 fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef post fill:#3CADD4,stroke:#615F5F classDef post0 fill:#3CADD4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef mod1 fill:#EADA4F,stroke:#615F5F classDef mod10 fill:#EADA4F,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef mod2 fill:#F7CACA,stroke:#615F5F classDef mod20 fill:#F7CACA,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3
Optionally, phoneme following niggahita is elided.
Niggahitamhā paro saro lopaṃ pappoti vā.
𑀦𑀺𑀕𑁆𑀕𑀳𑀺𑀢𑀫𑁆𑀳𑀸 𑀧𑀭𑁄 𑀲𑀭𑁄 𑀮𑁄𑀧𑀁 𑀧𑀧𑁆𑀧𑁄𑀢𑀺 𑀯𑀸𑁇
निग्गहितम्हा परो सरो लोपं पप्पोति वा।
bhāsitaṃ abhinandunti
🚻①⨀(bhāsita) ⏮🤟⨂(abhinandi) 🔼(iti)
speech | they were pleased with | like this
abhinanduṃ + iti
→ abhinan + (d + u + ṃ) + (i) + ti (rule 10)
→ abhinan + d + u + (ṃ + i) + ti (rule 40)
→ abhinan + d + u + (ṃ→n + i) + ti (rule 34)
→ abhinan + (d + u + n) + ti (rule 11)
→ abhinandunti
🚻①⨀(uttatta) 🔼(iva)
shining | like
uttattaṃ + iva
→ uttat + (t + a + ṃ) + (i) + va (rule 10)
→ uttat + t + a + (ṃ + i) + va (rule 40)
→ uttat + (t + a + ṃ) + va (rule 11)
→ uttattaṃva
🔼(yathā) 🚻①⨀(bīja) 🔼(iva)
as per | seed | like this
yathā + bījaṃ + iva
→ yathā + bī + (j + a + ṃ) + (i) + va (rule 10)
→ yathā + bī + j + a + (ṃ + i) + va (rule 40)
→ yathā + bī + (j + a + ṃ) + va (rule 11)
→ yathābījaṃva
🔼(yathā) 🚻①⨀(dhañña) 🔼(iva)
as per | crop | like this
yathā + dhaññaṃ + iva
→ yathā + dhañ + (ñ + a + ṃ) + (i) + va (rule 10)
→ yathā + dhañ + ñ + a + (ṃ + i) + va (rule 40)
→ yathā + dhañ + (ñ + a + ṃ) + va (rule 11)
→ yathādhaññaṃva
ahameva nūna bālo
🔼(ahameva) 🔼(nūna) 🚹①⨀(bāla)
I am just | could it be | foolish
ahaṃ + eva
→ a + (h + a + ṃ) + (e) + va (rule 10)
→ a + h + a + (ṃ→m + e) + va (rule 34)
→ a + h + a + (m + e) + va (rule 11)
→ ahameva
🚻①⨀(ta) ⏮🤟⨀(ahosi)
that | was
(no sandhi)
41 [R55] And (after vowel is elided following niggahita) consonant is detached
𑀩𑁆𑀬𑀜𑁆𑀚𑀦𑁄 𑀘 𑀯𑀺𑀲𑀜𑁆𑀜𑁄𑀕𑁄 (byañjano ca visaññogo
block-beta columns 8 space byañjano visaññogo:2 space space ca space Previous["niggahita~~sara~~"] class Previous context block:operation:4 columns 4 Before("byañjanax2") class Before pre space:2 After("byañjana") class After post Before--"visaññogo"-->After end space Marker[/"ca"\] class Marker mod1 space class arrow operation classDef context fill:#D2C4D6,stroke:#615F5F classDef context0 fill:#D2C4D6,stroke:#A49E9E,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef operation fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F classDef operation0 fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef pre fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F classDef pre0 fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef post fill:#3CADD4,stroke:#615F5F classDef post0 fill:#3CADD4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef mod1 fill:#EADA4F,stroke:#615F5F classDef mod10 fill:#EADA4F,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef mod2 fill:#F7CACA,stroke:#615F5F classDef mod20 fill:#F7CACA,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3
is not a valid vibhatti ending for byañjana
, in here I am interpreting it as byañjane
(⑦) followed by application of rule 36 followed by rule 12).When vowel following niggahita is elided, if (next) consonant is a double consonant, it becomes single consonant.
Niggahitamhā parasmiṃ sare lutte yadi byañjano sasaññogo visaññogo hoti.
𑀦𑀺𑀕𑁆𑀕𑀳𑀺𑀢𑀫𑁆𑀳𑀸 𑀧𑀭𑀲𑁆𑀫𑀺𑀁 𑀲𑀭𑁂 𑀮𑀼𑀢𑁆𑀢𑁂 𑀬𑀤𑀺 𑀩𑁆𑀬𑀜𑁆𑀚𑀦𑁄 𑀲𑀲𑀜𑁆𑀜𑁄𑀕𑁄 𑀯𑀺𑀲𑀜𑁆𑀜𑁄𑀕𑁄 𑀳𑁄𑀢𑀺𑁇
निग्गहितम्हा परस्मिं सरे लुत्ते यदि ब्यञ्जनो ससञ्ञोगो विसञ्ञोगो होति।
evaṃsa te āsavo
🔼(evaṃ) 🚹⑥⨀(ima) 🤘⑥⨀(tvaṃ) 🚹①⨀(āsava)
thus | of this | of you | discharge
evaṃ + assa
→ e + (v + a + ṃ) + (a) + ssa (rule 10)
→ e + v + a + (ṃ + a) + ssa (rule 40)
→ e + v + a + ṃ + (ss→s) + a (rule 41)
→ e + (v + a + ṃ) + (s + a) (rule 11)
→ evaṃsa
pupphaṃsā uppajji
🚺①⨀(pupphaṃsā) ⏮🤟⨀(uppajji)
fertile period | arose
pupphaṃ + assā
→ pup + (ph + a + ṃ) + (a) + ssa (rule 10)
→ pup + ph + a + (ṃ + a) + ssa (rule 40)
→ pup + ph + a + ṃ + (ss→s) + a (rule 41)
→ pup + (ph + a + ṃ) + (s + a) (rule 11)
→ pupphaṃsā
evamassa vidūnaggamiti
🔼(evamassa) 🚹⑥⨂(vidū) 🚻①⨀(agga) 🔼(iti)
thus to him | of wise men | highest | like this
evaṃ + assa
→ e + (v + a + ṃ) + (a) + ssa (rule 10)
→ e + v + a + (ṃ→m + a) + ssa (rule 34)
→ e + v + a + (m + a) + ssa (rule 11)
→ evamassa
block-beta columns 8 space block:operation:4 columns 4 Before("byañjanax2") class Before pre space:2 After("byañjana") class After post Before--"lopaṃ"-->After end Next["y"] class Next context Marker[/"ca"\] class Marker mod1 space class arrow operation classDef context fill:#D2C4D6,stroke:#615F5F classDef context0 fill:#D2C4D6,stroke:#A49E9E,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef operation fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F classDef operation0 fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef pre fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F classDef pre0 fill:#64BFA4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef post fill:#3CADD4,stroke:#615F5F classDef post0 fill:#3CADD4,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef mod1 fill:#EADA4F,stroke:#615F5F classDef mod10 fill:#EADA4F,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3 classDef mod2 fill:#F7CACA,stroke:#615F5F classDef mod20 fill:#F7CACA,stroke:#615F5F,stroke-dasharray: 3 3
By employing the word “ca”, when there are three consonants, double consonants together with “y”, there is elision (of double consonant into single consonant).
Caggahaṇena tiṇṇaṃ byañjanānamantare ye sarūpā, tesampi lopo hoti.
𑀘𑀕𑁆𑀕𑀳𑀡𑁂𑀦 𑀢𑀺𑀡𑁆𑀡𑀁 𑀩𑁆𑀬𑀜𑁆𑀚𑀦𑀸𑀦𑀫𑀦𑁆𑀢𑀭𑁂 𑀬𑁂 𑀲𑀭𑀽𑀧𑀸, 𑀢𑁂𑀲𑀫𑁆𑀧𑀺 𑀮𑁄𑀧𑁄 𑀳𑁄𑀢𑀺𑁇
चग्गहणेन तिण्णं ब्यञ्जनानमन्तरे ये सरूपा, तेसम्पि लोपो होति।
room for keeping the sacred fire
aggi + agāraṃ
→ ag + (g + i) + (a) + gāraṃ (rule 10)
→ ag + g + (i→y) + a + gāraṃ (rule 21)
→ a + (gg→g) + y + a + gāraṃ (rule 41)
→ a + (g + y + a) + gāraṃ (rule 11)
→ agyāgāraṃ
one should be cordial by nature
paṭisanthāra + vutti + assa
→ paṭisanthāra + vut + (t + i) + (a) + ssa (rule 10)
→ paṭisanthāra + vut + t + (i→y) + a + ssa (rule 21)
→ paṭisanthāra + vu + (tt→t + y) + a + ssa (rule 41)
→ paṭisanthāra + vu + (t + y + a) + ssa (rule 11)
→ paṭisanthāravutyassa