0 Paṇāma (Salutation)

𑀦𑀫𑁄 𑀢𑀲𑁆𑀲 𑀪𑀕𑀯𑀢𑁄 𑀅𑀭𑀳𑀢𑁄 𑀲𑀫𑁆𑀫𑀸𑀲𑀫𑁆𑀩𑀼𑀤𑁆𑀥𑀲𑁆𑀲 (Homage to the Blessed One, the Worthy One, the Fully Enlightened One). The Translation from Pali to English is done by Meta AI, not myself.



Sabbaṃ niruttipathapāragataṃ sabuddhaṃ,
Buddhaṃ tilokatilakaṃ hatapāpadhammaṃ;
Dhammaṃ vimuttisukhadaṃ vihatāghasaṃghaṃ,
Saṃghaṃ ca niccamabhivandiya dakkhiṇeyyaṃ.


Vuddhippattosmi muddho mama varagaravo sīlapaññādisobhe,
Candādicceva suddhe varajinaṭhapite sāsanābbhe patīte;
Nissāyevā tipemā paṇamiya sirasā niccamesaṃ saritvā,
Pādambhoje guṇagge hataduritamalo ānubhāvena tassā.


Porāṇa sīhaḷa padattha vinicchayañca,
Sabbampi māgadhaniruttinayaṃ pasatthaṃ;
Aññañca nekavidha sakkata saddasatthaṃ,
Pāramparābhata matañca nisamma sammā.


Bālāvatāra varamāgadha saddasatthe,
Dubbodha nekapadaattha vinicchayena;
Atthāya ādhunika bālaparamparāya,
Bālāvatāra varagaṇṭhipadaṃ karissaṃ.


Niccaṃ ye mettha bālā varahadayayutā suṭṭhu nikkhittanettā,
Puṇṇe nānānayānaṃ suratarusadise dhīrapāsaṃsiye ve;
Gambhīraṃ duttaraṃ te jinavacanudadhiṃ tiṇṇathāmā bhaveyyuṃ,
Laddhopāyā ca candaṃ taditarapacuraṃ sakkataṃ sotukāmā.


Ganthanipphattiyā sesa – dukkarattaṃ yathāvato;
Jānanti kusalā dhīrā, nekasatthantarādisu;
Ganthesu guṇadosampi, teyeva vidurā sadā.


Tasmā ettha pamādādi – dosaleso bhave yadi;
Porāṇāceraladdhīhi, vilomaṃ vā bhaveyya ce.


Ganthantaraṃ vigāhetvā, vicāretvā punappunaṃ;
Yuttimeva ca gaṇhantu, hutvā vīmaṃsabuddhikāti.

English Translation


To everyone who has gone beyond the interpretation of words, and understood well,
The Buddha, the jewel of the three worlds, eradicator of evil nature;
The Dhamma, granting the joy of liberation, removing many sins,
And the Sangha, always worthy of the highest honour and offerings.


Alas, I am dull-witted, my discernment is veiled, my virtues and wisdom are flawed,
Like the moon eclipsed by clouds, my character is tarnished, my teachings are defiled;
Yet, I take refuge in the Triple Gem, I humbly bow my head, I constantly pay tribute,
With the stain of misdeeds washed away, I stand in the radiant presence of the Enlightened One, pure and untainted.


The ancient Sinhala language, its nuances and interpretations,
Are fully comprehended through the Magadhan language and its articulation;
Moreover, diverse languages, their phonetics and semantics,
Are thoroughly grasped, and their ultimate essence is accurately discerned.


The sublime Magadhan language, with its refined expressions,
Is challenging to comprehend for some, due to its intricate subtleties;
To facilitate understanding for contemporary novices and honor the traditional lineage,
I will craft a gentle introduction, a gateway to comprehension.


Always, those who are wise and compassionate, with gentle hearts and clear minds,
Like full moons shining in various ways, with calm and peaceful demeanor;
The deep and difficult ocean of the Buddha’s teachings, with its threefold meaning,
May be crossed with ease, and the moon of wisdom, with its cooling rays, be reached by those who yearn to hear.


Completing the text is a challenging task, akin to reaching the end of a long journey;
The wise and astute individuals recognize this, having studied various teachings and scriptures;
They are also aware of the flaws in virtues, even within the texts themselves, and remain vigilant.


Therefore, here, heedlessness and other defects may arise;
If one is possessed by old habits, it may lead to a reversal (of progress).


Having thoroughly analyzed the text, and having repeatedly investigated;
They should precisely grasp the meaning, with a mind sharpened by critical inquiry.

ChatGPT 4o translation


I revere the Buddha, who has crossed all paths of expression,
The all-knowing, the jewel of the three worlds, who destroyed evil;
I revere the Dhamma, which gives the bliss of liberation,
And the Sangha, free from defilements, always worthy of offerings.


Having attained growth, though I am foolish, I hold deep respect,
For the noble virtues like moral conduct and wisdom that shine;
As the pure moon and sun, by the blessed Buddha established,
I bow my head in reverence, remembering them always,
To those feet, adorned with supreme qualities, that destroy all evil,
May their power guide me, as I express my devotion.


Considering the ancient Sīhaḷa explanations of words,
And the entire well-regarded path of Māgadha expression,
And various other honored grammatical treatises,
And the inherited doctrines passed down correctly.


In this treatise, “Bālāvatāra,” the supreme Māgadha grammar,
With difficult words and meanings analyzed,
For the benefit of the modern generation of learners,
I shall compose this “Bālāvatāra,” a text with clear explanations.


May those who are truly wise, with hearts full of excellence,
And eyes well-opened by deep insight,
In this ocean of the Buddha’s profound teachings,
Find the means to cross over the difficult, deep, and immense sea,
And receive the pure, honored, and much-desired moon of knowledge.


The experts, the wise ones,
Understand the vast difficulties in composing such a text,
In various disciplines and treatises,
They know well the virtues and faults in all compositions.


Therefore, if here there be any faults like negligence,
Or if it contradicts the ancient and well-established doctrines,


Let those who examine deeply,
After thoroughly investigating other treatises,
Accept only what is reasonable,
And be endowed with discerning wisdom.

Claude 3.5 sonnet translation

[Ka] I bow always to the All-Knowing Buddha, master of all linguistic paths, The Buddha, ornament of three worlds, destroyer of evil dharmas; To the Dharma, giver of liberation’s bliss, dispeller of afflictions, And to the Sangha, worthy of offerings, forever venerable.

[Kha] I’ve attained wisdom, devoted to the noble one, adorned with virtue and wisdom, In the pure, celebrated teachings established by the noble Victor, like the moon and sun; Relying on these three, bowing my head, always remembering them, At their lotus feet, supreme in virtues, my impurities destroyed by their power.

[Ga] Having properly considered the ancient Sinhalese word meanings, All the praised methods of Magadhi grammar, And various other Sanskrit grammatical treatises, As well as traditionally transmitted opinions,

[Gha] In this excellent Magadhi grammar called Bālāvatāra, With explanations of many difficult word meanings, For the benefit of successive generations of novices, I shall compose a noble commentary called Bālāvatāra.

[Ṅa] May those constant novices here, endowed with noble hearts, eyes well-fixed, On this tree of knowledge full of various methods, praiseworthy to the wise; Cross the deep, hard-to-cross ocean of the Victor’s words with strength, And, having gained the means, desire to hear other abundant Sanskrit works.

[Ca] Skilled sages know well the remaining difficulties In completing a treatise, as they truly are; They alone always discern the merits and flaws In various texts and other works.

[Cha] Therefore, if there be any trace of error Due to negligence or such in this work, Or if it should contradict The tenets of ancient teachers,

[Ja] Having delved into other texts, And examined them again and again, May they accept only what is reasonable, Becoming analytical in their understanding.


1. Buddhaṃ tidhā bhivanditvā, buddhambuja vilocanaṃ (Having praised the Buddha three times, the lotus-eyed Buddha)

Bālāvatāraṃ bhāsissaṃ, bālānaṃ buddhivuddhiyā.

I will explain the “Bālāvatāra”, an introduction for beginners, for the development of understanding.

Last modified August 28, 2024: Checkin balavatara (058dbcf)